“But Sylvie’s all alone in that house. I know her. She’ll freak out if I’m not back soon.”

“She’s fine.”

I took in his set jaw and the determined glint in his eyes. The more time I spent with Jett, the more I realized I had found my match in him when it came to demonstrating an unhealthy amount of stubbornness. Under any other circumstances I might have given in for the sake of preserving harmony, but not when it came to my best friend’s safety.

“I need to see it for myself,” I said.

Something flickered in his green gaze. Was that annoyance? “I’d rather you stay with me at my house.”

His offer sounded tempting. His house was huge, beautifully decorated, and not too far from Alessandro’s estate. But—

I shook my head. “Not happening. I’m not leaving Sylvie alone in that old house. She’s my best friend, Jett. If someone means me harm and I’m not there, they’ll take it out on her.”

“I can send someone over,” Jett said.

Something told me he could keep this conversation up all day.

“What do you mean?” I frowned. “A bodyguard?”

“Sort of.”

I shot him an unconvinced frown. I got it. Jett had money. And lots of it. But a bodyguard—for Sylvie? How would he accomplish that without my best friend’s noticing? Sylvie wasn’t stupid. The moment she’d find out a killer might be after us, Jett might as well hire a bodyguard for himself, too, because Sylvie would end up screaming and blaming him. And when Sylvie was angry I couldn’t vouch for her sanity, or actions.

“Not working for me.” I shook my head and finished the last drop of my coffee. “I’m sorry, Jett, but…I can’t stay. You have to accept that. Now please drive me back.”

“Then let me come with you.”

I almost spilled my coffee. Okay, maybe I didn’t spill it because it was already empty, but you get my point.

“Yeah, that’s not possible either.” I grimaced, struggling with my words. How the heck was I supposed to tell him my best friend didn’t like him anymore and I didn’t want to have to face that storm?

“Why not?” Jett’s eyes narrowed on me.

Oh, for crying out loud.

“Sylvie’s—” I grimaced again “—out of sorts with you.” I peered up at him and almost flinched at the flicker of anger in his expression.

“You didn’t tell her about us.” His eyes were scrutinizing me.

“No, no…” I shook my head, then stopped. What was the point in lying when he already knew it? “Yes, maybe, a little. I didn’t think it’d make a difference.”

He frowned, but didn’t comment. My fingers wrapped around his hand in the hope he might feel my turmoil.

“You broke my heart, Jett, so naturally you’re the bad guy. She made me promise I’d move on from you and date others. So—” I shrugged and laughed nervously “—she’s thinking I’m moving on from you.”

A few moments passed during which he remained silent. I tried my hardest to read his expression, and failed.

“Okay.” Eventually, he heaved a sigh and got up, helping me to my feet.

“You’re okay with it?” I blinked back my surprise. Just like that? During the short time I worked for him, I quickly realized Jett never gave up. What he wanted, he got. And what he couldn’t have, he tried to get nonetheless. “No conditions, no requests?”

“Actually, now that you’re mentioning it, I’m taking you home on three conditions.”

“Of course.” I regarded him amused. Three conditions, huh? “What are they?”

“First, you call me when you’re there and have your phone switched on at all times. Second, I’ll send someone over to watch over you. He’ll keep to himself and you won’t even notice his presence. And there’s no arguing about this condition.” He paused and I raised my brow, choosing not to comment because he seemed quite determined and I just wanted to get home and check on Sylvie, no matter what. “Third, you’ll have to keep your visit short. So tell Sylvie whatever story you need to tell her, but you’re not staying and neither is she. Otherwise I’ll have you both picked up and I’ll use force, if need be.”

“That’s not exactly three requests but five,” I pointed out.

“It’s either you do what I say, or nothing.”

Talk about an inability to compromise.

“Brooke?” It wasn’t a question; it was a warning, magnified by the determination in his eyes and the stubborn line on his forehead. He was back to his alpha male ways, trying to protect me, or whatever his male hormones drove him to do.

“Okay,” I said, already regretting giving in so easily. “Will you drive me back?”

“Sure, baby.” He winked, back in his good mood. “Just hold on tight.”

I rolled my eyes at his choice of words. They seemed to form one of his favorite phrases.


On the drive back home Jett kept checking the rearview mirror and the more he did, the more my nervousness increased. If it weren’t for the car chase yesterday, I would’ve thought he suffered from paranoia. Jett drove slowly, maybe because he wasn’t used to the rental car he picked up in the morning. Or maybe because he didn’t want to draw any attention to us. Either way, I felt bad for his Lamborghini. Not that it meant anything to me, but because I knew how much he loved it.

“I’m sorry about your car,” I said.

“It’s not that bad. She’ll be as good as new in no time.” Jett winked amused and focused back on the road.

His car was a she?

Wow! I didn’t know whether he was laughing at me, or trying to annoy me. In the end, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Less than half an hour later, the car stopped in front of Alessandro’s house. Turning to say goodbye was the difficult part. It always was. Leaving him, not knowing when I’d see him again, a part of me missing him already even though I hadn’t even left the car yet.

No answer.

“Sylvie?” I opened the door and peeked inside. Her clothes lay scattered all over the floor. Her handbag was on her unmade bed. I peered inside. Except for her phone and credit card, nothing seemed to be missing.

An ice-cold knot twisted inside my stomach. Sylvie never left the house without her makeup. Did something happen to her? If something happened, I’d never forgive myself.

I dashed down the stairs, and double-checked the obvious places—the living room, kitchen, veranda, and backyard. No one in sight.

“Sylvie?” I called as I descended the stony stairs leading toward the woods. Just as I opened my mouth to try again, I spied her on the other side of the pool. She was clad in a bikini, lounging on a chair, her fingers clasped around a cocktail glass. Where the heck did she get that one from?