Maybe he was right and we both were far from perfect, even though he seemed pretty perfect to me. What mattered was that he had all the qualities I wanted in a man. “I like honesty, and you’re honest.”

“Then let’s always be honest with one another,” Jett whispered. “I was disappointed so often in my life, I vowed to never trust anyone again…until you came along. You weren’t available emotionally. You weren’t talking relationships and building castles in the air. That’s sexy as hell. Men don’t like the emotional and the needy.”

“I can be needy at times,” I whispered.

“I don’t mind that, Brooke. Whatever happens, we’ll figure it out.” His eyes shimmered with anxious hope, as though he feared I might push him away.


I liked the sound of that.

“Give me a chance to prove that I’m good for you,” Jett said.

My fingertips brushed his chin and settled on his chest where I could feel his heart drumming to a frenzied beat, almost matching mine. This was it, the moment I decided to change my life around. Another first and, I hoped, one of many more to come.

“I’d love to give us a try,” I said.

His glorious lips curled into the most stunning smile I had ever seen, melting my heart. “I thought nothing would change your mind.”

“What can I say, you’re a master of persuasion. In fact, you’re a guy with many talents.” Smiling, I pulled him on top of me and wrapped my legs around his waist, ready to demand that he put one of those talents to good use.

Chapter 25

It was early afternoon when I finally managed to drag myself out of Jett’s steamy bed to text Sylvie I’d be back home in an hour, in case she had forgotten. Because my car was still parked at the airport, costing me a fortune, Jett offered to drive me. Since I wasn’t keen on Jett’s speeding through New York’s streets, I declined in favor of the subway, which didn’t bode well with him. In the end we decided to call a company car that would drive me home. I left my car keys with him because he insisted on getting someone to pick it up for me, and I even let him carry my luggage downstairs from his apartment while his driver was waiting.

“You’ll text?” Shivering in the damp chill of a rainy afternoon, I bit my lip nervously. Playing the clingy girlfriend wasn’t like me, and yet I couldn’t help it. This was different. We were different.

Jett touched my nose with the tip of his finger, his eyes shining with wry amusement. “Will it freak you out if I do so while you’re still in the car?”

A warm, fuzzy explosion settled deep in my chest. “I’d love that.” He placed a gentle yet lingering kiss on my lips, and then held the door open for me.

After spending two weeks together, it felt surreal to drive away from him. Jett was where I belonged. To my surprise, the sudden realization didn’t weigh me down; it made my heart beat faster, and soft flutters like those of hundreds of butterfly wings gathered somewhere in the pit of my stomach.

It was the first time I’d ever ridden in a limo, and Jett’s driver made the journey even more memorable by pointing to a tiny refrigerator with snacks and champagne, which I politely declined. I wasn’t there to eat; I wanted to enjoy the view. And there was plenty to see.

Sitting in the back seat of the plush limousine, I stared out the tinted windows at buzzing New York. The city was coming to life, and in some way I felt I was too. We had defined the relationship, and today was our first day as a couple. I was dating a hot, successful guy who was very much into me. For the first time in my life, I felt I wasn’t as plain as I always thought. We had decided to keep our relationship a secret for a few more days, until I settled into my job. We didn’t want people thinking I got the job because I was sleeping with the boss. Theoretically I was, but it hadn’t been my intention to sleep my way up the career ladder. I had sex with Jett because I was attracted to him. Jett hired me because he wanted me. It was lust at first sight.

We had cancelled our contract after our midday romp, and I was finally free to reveal our status to Sylvie. In fact, Jett insisted on it, not telling me why. In my logic, it was a sign he wanted to enter my circle of friends and be introduced as my boyfriend. And I couldn’t wait for the whole world to know we were together.

I arrived at our apartment shortly after three p.m. and opened the door with apprehension, unsure what to expect. My best friend could be one of two things: so elated to see me that she’d forget I sort of hid the truth from her, or pissed because I kept a secret for two weeks. As I opened the door, I certainly didn’t expect to see the whole neighborhood gathered in our living room, shouting ‘Surprise’ at the top of their lungs. How the hell did Sylvie manage to gather the whole clique, including people I didn’t even know, in such a short time? She must have planned it for days. And that’s when it dawned on me that Sylvie could be a third thing: in party mode.

“Thanks, guys.” I put my suitcase down near the door and let a few of my friends envelop me in tight hugs, welcoming their congratulations on the new job. My gaze wandered across the room, sweeping over smiling, already intoxicated faces, and red drinking cups that littered our small living room. My attention fell on Sylvie who was squeezing her way toward me, her emotions clearly visible in her pouting lips and narrowed eyes.

She was mad but also curious. Our phone conversation hadn’t been forgotten. Knowing her focus on being liked by everybody, I knew she wouldn’t go for drama with so many people around. But there’d be plenty of hissed reproaches and venomous looks.

Taking a deep breath, I smiled.

I could deal with that. A crouching tigress was better than a pouncing one.

“Hey, you,” I said, grabbing her in a tight hug. “I missed you like crazy.”

“Stewart, you’re so screwed.” Her blue eyes twinkled, but her pout remained in place.

I made a point of unbuttoning my jacket in slow motion as I regarded her from under my lashes, teasing her with a wicked smile. “From that I gather you don’t want to hear the dirty?”

“You’re killing me.”

Laughing at her exaggerated eye roll, I grabbed a cup and took a sip of what tasted like Sylvie decided to empty an entire mini bar in there, and pulled her into a relatively quiet corner.

“Your plane landed yesterday. Where the heck have you been?” Her eyes spat fire. “Do you realize I had to keep this party up all night and day? You owe me a fortune for the booze.”

“I slept with him and now we’re together,” I blurted out, unable to contain the excitement in my voice.

For some reason I expected her to ask who I was talking about, but Sylvie just inclined her head and kept silent for a few moments, the glint in her eyes not quite mirroring the excitement I felt.

“At least he called,” was all she said.

“What?” I said slowly, shaking my head in confusion. “At least who called?” What was she talking about?

Waving her hand, she exhaled a long breath. “I told him I’d come after him with a pitchfork if he didn’t.”

A few heads turned in our direction. Sylvie waved them to turn away before she focused back on me. Her blue eyes sliced into me with an unnerving intensity, and she leaned closer so no one would hear her. “Listen, darling, I’m sure Jett is a nice guy and all, but he’s also one of the richest men in New York. He might not want to hurt you,but others will. This is a whole different society. Even if you accompany him everywhere, wear and do what people expect of you, you won’t be accepted into their circle because of your background.”

She couldn’t be serious. “What the heck are you talking about? You’re making it sound like I’m getting involved with the Mafia.”

“Worse,” she mumbled.


She raised her hands in defense. “Nothing. I just thought I’d warn you.”