Britney turns confused eyes back to Mortimer. "But if you hate me so much and never wanted me to be born, why did you let me live as long as you did? Why not kill me after you killed my parents?"

Mortimer actually smiles then, a sick, twisted smile. "I saw the potential in your little heartbroken eyes. That burning need for revenge. I realized I could put it to good use."

He shrugs now. "It was easy to convince you that vampires had killed your parents and to turn you into the best vampire slayer I've ever had to date."

He looks at Brittany with something akin to a sick pride in his eyes. "I will miss you, you know. I suppose I did come to care for you in my own way."

As for Brittany, she looks like she's about to be sick.

"What changed?" I ask for her. "Why are you suddenly wanting to kill her now?"

Mortimer's mouth curls up in disgust. "When I heard the prophecy that she's fated to be your mate, I knew I couldn't have that."

That's when another piece of the puzzle clicks into place. It's not just that she's any vampire's mate, it's that she'smymate. I'm already the most powerful vampire in the world, but Mortimer isn't stupid. He knows that once I find my mate, I'll become a thousand times more powerful than I already am. Any hope he’s ever had of defeating me would be truly out the window then.

"You really are pathetic, you know that, Mortimer," I scoff at him. "You're so blinded by your lust for power that you can't see straight. I would have never challenged you. I don't want to rule the entire world like you do. I want you to leave me and my kind alone, but ruling over all the other creatures isn't enough for you. You want the entire world."

"I'm tired of fighting you on this, vampire," Mortimer spits at me as he raises his staff high above his head. The red stone on the top of it is glowing, and I don't know what he has planned, but I'm sure it can't be anything good.

"We're going to end this today," he pronounces.

"You've got that right," I agree with him as I square off to face him, finally allowing my fangs to descend, though this time it's not in desire but out of necessity to use them as a weapon. I don't fear death, but my primary concern right now is protecting my mate.

I'm trying to decide when best to launch myself at Mortimer and tear his throat out like he did Britney's parents when the glowing red ball of his staff suddenly shoots out a stream of red light. I don't know what it is, but it's aimed right at me, and I brace myself for the impact.

I would normally dodge to the side, but I'm afraid Britney is behind me, and I don't want it to hit her instead. Whereas I can probably take the hit, it would likely demolish a mere human.

"No!" she suddenly shouts, and then I see her tiny form flinging itself in front of me with her arms held wide as if to shield me.

"Britney!" I bellow in a panic, furious that she's jumping in the way of harm even if it is to save me. Stupid, stupid girl! God, doesn't she realize she has humanity in her? She might have a little bit of vampire in her, but she's not as resilient to magic as I am.

I reach to grab her, but my hands are pushed back by blinding white light that suddenly surrounds her. It's pulsing with heat and so bright that I can't even bear to look at it.

It takes me a moment to realize that the pulsing light is emanatingfromher.

I suddenly hear a whooshing sound and look over to see Mortimer being flung back against the wall by the stream of white light.

No sooner does his head make a sickening crunch against the back of the wall and his body falls to the floor does the light disappear from around Britney.

"Britney, no!" I roar.

Mortimer's red ball of light is still traveling through the air. She doesn't have time to dodge it. It smashes directly into her chest, and she goes sailing back.

I catch her before she slams against the wall, taking the impact of her body against my chest.

We slump down onto the ground, me cradling her in my arms.

Her head lolls to the side, and fear grips me. I run my hands over her, frantically calling her name, "Britney! Britney, my love!"

I can't remember the last time I cried—certainly not since I've been a vampire, yet I feel wetness streaming down my cheeks now.

Britney's eyes flutter open weakly. "Henry," she says my name so softly, "I'm so sorry for everything." I see a sheen of tears glimmering in her own eyes, and my chest tightens painfully.

"No you don't!" My voice comes out choked as I slap lightly at her cheeks, trying to keep her eyes open. "Don't you dare, Britney! Don't you fucking dare say goodbye to me. You're going to be okay, little one."

I hear shuffling behind me and glance back to see Glenda sitting up and staring at us with tears streaming down her cheeks.

She looks between Britney and me before she nods down at my fallen angel.