I can't fully describe the feminine rush of power that flows through me at his reaction to me just speaking his name. How can just my voice have such an effect on this powerful vampire? It's a heady feeling.

He moves forward, his movements calculated, as he raises his hand up to gently cup my cheek. My heart is beating a mile a minute in my chest as I stare up at him, unable to breathe or think or do anything but just gaze into those golden eyes that are staring down at me with more emotion than I would have ever thought a vampire capable of. Want, desire, longing, sadness, and something else, something that I can't quite pinpoint but that has more humanity than I've seen in many men throughout my twenty-one years.

"Say it again," he orders me softly, and I already know what he wants me to say again, so I don't play dumb.

I swallow before I speak his name again, barely more than a whisper. "Henry."

I feel the shudder that goes through him where his hand is connected to my cheek, and the fact that just my voice saying his name can affect him like so has me feeling all sorts of things I can't identify.

"We're going to see my seer," he finally tells me before dropping his hand from my cheek.

My cheek immediately feels cold without his touch. Whoever said that vampires are cold to the touch were never in the presence of one like Henry.

His touch is like fire and ice all at once, burning me while chilling me simultaneously.

"Seer?" I question when I finally get my wits back about me enough to do so.

He gives me a faint half smile that's just as devastating as his full smile—if not more so. "You will see, little one. Make no mistake of that."

A shiver passes through me at the way he calls me "little one."

I shake my head to try to clear the fog that he somehow cast over me. I have to keep my senses here. Even if Henry didn't kill my parents, he's still a vampire, I remind myself, and while he might be as handsome as sin, I have to remember that.