Page 68 of Thick as Thieves

“That’s unnecessary.”

“The road is tricky in full daylight. In the dark, if you don’t know it well, you could wind up in a bayou.”

“I’ll manage.”

“Argument over.” He went to the door and pulled it open.

A few minutes later, her headlights were in his rearview mirror. If she fell too far behind, he slowed down until she caught up. When they reached her house, he got out of his truck and, despite her protests, walked her to the back door.

“These new locks are impossible,” she said as she worked the key into the slot.

“They’re meant to be.”

“For a bad guy, not for me.” The lock snapped, she swung the door open and poked her head inside. “See? No intruder lying in wait.”

He gave the small of her back a nudge, then followed her in, went around her, and checked out the rooms on the first floor, switching lights on, then off, as he made his way.

They met at the bottom of the staircase. “You didn’t look up there.” She pointed to the dark landing above.

“An intruder would have had to come in on the ground floor. Nothing’s been disturbed.”

“As noted earlier, you’ve been my only intruder.” She gave him a brief smile, then lowered her gaze to the placket of his shirt. “Will you be coming to work in the morning?”

“Not to restore, but to destroy?”

Still addressing his shirt, she said, “I suppose I do owe you an explanation for the switch.”

“Your sister told you last night you didn’t owe me a damn thing.”

“Well, she’s wrong.”

“Okay. I’m listening.”

“I’ll do my best to explain, but even I’m conflicted.”

“Over what?”

“It’s hard to put into words.”

“I don’t know that many anyway. Make it simple.”

She tugged her lower lip through her teeth. “It sounds so banal, but I came back to Penton to get closure. This house represents sorrow and heartache to me. If it comes down—”

“It won’t fix a damn thing. I don’t mean to interrupt, but, look, the house is a house. It’s made of destructible materials. All the shit that took place in it when you were a kid will be with you for the rest of your life. It’s not inside the house, it’s inside you. Curse it, accept it, and then turn your back on it.”

“I can do that with the shit I know,” she said. “It’s what I don’t know that plagues me.”

All of a sudden he was wary of where this might be going. He backed away from her and leaned against the newel post. “What you ‘don’t know’?”

“I moved back here needing answers. But not only have they eluded me, the longer I’m here, the more questions I have, the more gaps I see that need filling.”

She folded in on herself as she sat down on the second step of the staircase. She didn’t say anything for a time, but rubbed her thumb across her other palm, studying the faint network of lines as though trying to gain insight from their intersections.

“I still feel like that ten-year

-old girl caught up in a crisis. The grown-ups are speaking in euphemisms to shield me from harsh realities. I’ve been given the outline, but not the whole story. I feel that the parts I’m missing are the ones I should know.” She looked up at him and shook her head. “Never mind. I don’t expect you to understand.”

On the contrary, he understood perfectly, and his conscience was killing him over it. He was missing elements of that night himself, but those he had intimate knowledge of, he had intentionally kept from her. How much longer could he sustain that secrecy? Every day she was here upped the odds that she would discover the active role young Ledge Burnet had played in the course her life had taken.