Angelo folded his arms across his chest. “Who said anything about stepping on your land? You invited us here tonight, don’t forget that, Enzo.”

“Sir.” A gentleman who I didn’t recognize approached Enzo and tapped him on the shoulder.

Enzo glanced at the other man who was a few inches shorter, but they had the same matching eyes, nose, and jawline and could have easily been brothers. “Yes, Dante?”

Dante. I recognized that name.

Jayden had told me that Dante was Enzo’s second in command.

I tried not to feign too much interest in what the two men discussed.

They lowered their voices, and with the crescendo of the live band, it was difficult to hear.

Enzo gave a firm nod before Dante hurried through the crowd of people.

I couldn’t quite see where he was going.

Had Jayden managed to fight off the guards? Was he bringing reinforcements?

Enzo cleared his throat. “My apologies for the interruption. As I was saying, our business, as I’m sure you’re aware, is expanding and we don’t take kindly to other families betraying us. I have it on good authority that your Capo Sergio stole one of our shipments.”

I tried not to act like I knew what the two men were conversing about.

But a stolen shipment?

I could only surmise that Enzo was referring to the women who had been trafficked.

If that was the case, then why had Jayden been removed by the guards and I was at the front and center with Enzo and Angelo?

What the hell was going on?

Angelo cocked an eyebrow. “Are you accusing my men of stealing from the Ricci Family? That’s quite an accusation, Enzo.”

“But not an accusation without merit. I tried to welcome you as a friend, invite you to do business with my family, but you come to my town and start moving in on my turf. Breckenridge isn’t big enough for both of our families,” Enzo threatened.

“The hell it isn’t.” Angelo huffed and shook his head.

Enzo’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t speak. Not yet.

“I don’t take kindly to threats. It doesn’t matter if you’re Don Ricci or a fucking capo.” Angelo yanked my arm and thrust me out of the grip of Enzo’s security giant.

I tried to pull myself from his clutches, but he didn’t let go. Maybe without the surrounding guards I could escape the moment he led me outside.

Was that a real possibility or wishful thinking?

I could take one man.

I was screwed if I had to fight an army.

Angelo’s top lip snarled with disgust. “You make threats against me. I’m taking her as a promise to you, Don Ricci. We’re not finished, not anywhere close.”

“Stay out of Breckenridge,” Enzo snapped. “And keep the bitch.”

Angelo dragged me outside.

A half-dozen men followed us.

Were they with Angelo or guards for Enzo and escorting us off the property? I couldn’t tell the men apart, but neither was there to save me.