Chapter Sixteen


How the hell had I missed her call?

I listened to it again and again. I could hear the fear in her voice, even as Ariella tried to be strong.

They’d gone to the mall. It had to have been where they’d been snatched.

We met up with mall security, a bunch of rent-a-cops, who showed us grainy black and white surveillance footage of the abduction.

Skylar was with them, and Ben definitely had a gun that he pointed at my little girl.

I was going to kill him.

Mason and Lincoln stood at both sides of me, watching the video too. Their girlfriends’ lives were on the line, just like my daughters and Ariella’s.

It took everything in me not to beat the hell out of Jayden.

He’d caused this mess.

“Call Declan,” I rattled off orders. “Have him start pulling surveillance and footage for where Ben might have taken them. Ariella said they were heading northeast. I want Aiden to track her phone. Hell, track all their phones, see if anyone pings a signal. Who the hell is Ben working for?”

“If Skylar is with them, I know who has the girls. They’re with Angelo DeLuca,” Jayden said.

“DeLuca, as in the crime boss from Vegas? What the hell is he doing in Breckenridge?” I spun around on my heel, coming face-to-face with Jayden, demanding an answer.

Lincoln towered over Jayden. “I’ve been asking myself the same question about Don DeLuca. What is he doing in town? I’ve had suspicions about him and Enzo. A man like DeLuca doesn’t just show up for a nice little vacation in the middle of nowhere,” Lincoln said.

Lincoln was right.

DeLuca was up to no good.

“Think it’s a turf war?” I asked. Lincoln knew more about the mafia than I had.

I was well aware of his side project in digging into dirt on Enzo Ricci. As much as I wasn’t keen on it, I didn’t think his private investigative work was the reason that the girls had been snatched.

But I didn’t like coincidences.

“No,” Lincoln shook his head. “I have it on good authority that they’re doing business together.”

Fuck. That was news to me.

It wasn’t bad enough Enzo Ricci had moved into Breckenridge, but now we had to deal with Angelo DeLuca as well? “What kind of business?” I shot a glance back at Jayden. “You know what this is about, don’t you?”

He had kept quiet for far too long.

I was ready to get my hands dirty and torture the bastard if it meant finding my daughter and getting her and the girls back.

Jayden took a step back in the small confines of the mall security room.

I cleared my throat. The mall security officers didn’t need any more intel than we’d already provided them.

“How about we take it outside?” I asked. It wasn’t a question.

The guys headed out of the mall security office and through the double doors outside.

“Listen.” Jayden held up his arms in surrender.