I stalked up to the gate and pressed the buzzer. From above, I could spot a guard, gun poised at the tower, ready to shoot.

Hopefully, Don DeLuca didn’t shoot first and ask questions later.

“Yes?” A heavy male voice answered the buzz. “Can I help you?”

“My name is Jayden Scott. I’d like to speak with your boss, Angelo DeLuca,” I said.

“Don DeLuca isn’t taking guests,” the voice on the other side of the intercom answered.

“I have information for him regarding Enzo Ricci.” I didn’t elaborate further.

The lock on the gate clicked, and the iron fence separated, allowing me access to enter.

I stepped forward and walked the length of the driveway up toward DeLuca’s compound.

It took every ounce of strength not to glance to my left and right, where in the distance Jaxson and his team snuck onto the premises.


I ducked, hearing a bullet whiz by my head.

What the hell? Who was shooting at me? Eagle Tactical or DeLuca’s men?

The sound of gunfire erupted all around me.

“I’m under heavy fire,” Mason’s voice filled my earpiece.

“On it,” Jaxson answered, changing positions. I watched as he tore across the yard by the hedges that sat against the wrought-iron gate.

He shot off several rounds, taking out the guy who had been shooting at Mason.

Gunshots erupted from all around. I was a giant target with no place for cover at my current position.

I rushed to the front entrance as I pulled my pistol from its holster at my hip.

“I’m heading inside,” I announced to the team.

“No, I’m going through the west entrance,” Lincoln said as he scaled the building and climbed up to the balcony. “They’ll expect us to come in the front door.”

We had gone over the plan, with Lincoln sneaking up the ivy on the side of the property. I was supposed to waltz through the front door, invited.

It seems the plan had changed.

“Jayden, your cover’s been blown. Stay outside with Mason. I’m heading in with Lincoln to find and recover the girls,” Jaxson said.

I kept my position, shooting at DeLuca’s men as they headed for the front door. I wasn’t letting them step outside.

Gunfire erupted at every position all around us.

From inside, shots were fired.

What the hell was going on in there?