Chapter Twenty-Three


“Don’t shoot, Angelo,” I said, holding my hands up.

“It’s Don DeLuca to you,” Angelo said.

“I’m on it,” Mason said through the earpiece.

Good, he’d gotten the message that we were in trouble and needed additional backup.

I hoped he’d come in time.

Lincoln refused to lower his gun as he pointed it across the room at Angelo. He closed the distance as he stepped forward.

“Don’t hurt him!” Skylar jumped up from her seat at the table, where she’d been having tea with Izzie and the teen girl.

“What are you doing?” Don DeLuca’s eyes narrowed as he studied the young woman.

“Izzie, come here,” Skylar said, holding out her arms, trying to protect my daughter from DeLuca.

My daughter’s eyes watered as she glanced from Izzie and then back to me. Her bottom lip trembled.

“Go with Skylar,” I said, trying desperately to protect my baby girl.

It was clear Izzie wasn’t sure what to do.

I needed to protect her, and it was difficult with the barrel of a gun against the back of my head.

“Time’s up,” Mason’s voice echoed from behind DeLuca as he stood in the hallway. “You’ll let them go or I’ll end your inconsequential life.”

“Shoot me,” DeLuca said. “Do you honestly think it’s over? Your girls, they’re gone.”

Skylar grabbed Izzie and pulled her safely out of harm’s way, behind her legs, shielding her from danger.

Mason yanked a pair of metal handcuffs from his belt loop and thrust DeLuca’s hands behind his back, securing his wrists in place.

“What do you mean they’re gone?” Lincoln seethed.

Izzie rushed past Skylar for me, arms raised.

I pulled her into my arms, cuddling her for only a moment. I wanted to relish the moment, reassure her that everything was fine, and she was safe, but we weren’t home.

There could have been countless other men ready to take aim.

I was just hoping Izzie was no longer in danger.

Where were the others?

Where were Ariella, Hazel, and Harper?

* * *

With DeLuca detained, we searched the compound, shooting anyone garnishing a weapon.

Most of his men fled. The few that had stayed we’d gunned down. They hadn’t given us another option.

With our guns raised we headed down the stairs for the basement.