Chapter Twenty-Four


I stood guard out the front of the compound.

While I wanted to be inside and helping rescue Skylar and the others, I also recognized that someone had to stand guard and keep a lookout.

If DeLuca’s men intended to flee, I wasn’t going to let that happen.

The gunfire inside had silenced after quite some time.

I’d have been worried if I hadn’t been connected via an earpiece and could hear the conversation amongst the men of Eagle Tactical.

Lincoln stepped outside first through the front door.

I lowered my gun, careful not to shoot him.

Skylar followed, holding Izzie’s hand.

Exhaling a sigh of relief, I was grateful that they were both all right. “I’m glad you’re safe,” I said.

Skylar dropped Izzie’s hand and threw back her fist landing a blow to my face.

“You bastard!” Skylar shouted at me.

Okay, maybe I deserved that. While I hadn’t known what Enzo would have done, I shouldn’t have ever involved her in my mess. I’d been selfish and irresponsible in bringing a civilian on board.

“You’re right. I’m an asshole,” I said.

She cocked an eyebrow.

Had she expected me to fight back?

I rubbed my cheek. It stung like hell, but I’d survive. It was nothing an ice pack and a couple of aspirin couldn’t cure.

Were my eyes playing tricks on me? Behind Skylar, a young brunette hesitated. Her pale blue eyes stared back at me.

“Lexa!” I shouted to my niece and rushed forward, past Izzie and Skylar.

Lexa threw her arms around my neck. “Uncle Jayden,” she whispered before the sobs wreaked havoc on her body.

I caught her in my arms, not letting her collapse to the ground.

“Are you okay?” It was a terrible question, the stupidest that I could have asked, and yet here I was, asking it anyhow.

“We should get the girls into the truck,” Lincoln said. “We don’t want to be standing out here in case DeLuca brings in reinforcements.”


Lincoln was good at taking charge and commanding a team. I followed his lead.

Skylar held Izzie’s hand and followed behind Lincoln as I wrapped an arm around Lexa, escorting her across the lawn, past the open gate, and to the other side, just beyond the road where the truck was parked.

“What about Daddy?” Izzie asked.

“Yeah? Where’s Jaxson and Mason?” I asked.

I’d heard briefly over the transmission that they’d stayed behind to interrogate DeLuca. I didn’t know what they were capable of outside of a war zone.