Chapter Twenty-Nine


I shouldn’t have told Jaxson about the hunt. He’d never let me go home tonight, climb into bed, and get a few hours of shut-eye.

“You’re telling me he’s going to send Ariella out into what, the mountains and hunt her down for sport?”

My mouth was dry. My eyes were blurred.

I’d already dropped Hazel off with Mason and was on my way home.

“That’s right. He’s a bastard, Capo Sergio, but he’s never done it before fucking the hell out of the women he buys. So, you have about a week until he grows tired of the same girl and wants a new plaything.”

“I can’t—there’s no way I can sit still and listen to this. What’s the address?”

While it was a question, I knew without a doubt that Jaxson wasn’t asking. He was demanding I tell him where Sergio lived.

My eyes blurred and burned. I wanted to get a few hours of sleep before the sun came up.

“You’re not going alone,” I said.

It was a minimum of a two-man rescue job. Someone had to kill Sergio and another rescue Ariella.

Sergio wasn’t going to open his front door to Jaxson. I was the one he’d trust, who he’d let inside his house.

Jaxson could sneak in and help Ariella escape while I distracted Sergio.

If only it were that simple.

“I don’t care whether you come with me or not, but I’m not leaving Ariella there another minute,” Jaxson said.

“What about your kid?” I tried throwing the Daddy card at him. It was all I had left to try to stop him from doing this tonight.

“Leave my little girl out of it!” Jaxson bellowed into the phone.

“Okay. Okay. I just meant you couldn’t honestly leave a little kid like that home alone.”

“She’s not alone. I’ve got one of the guys here and her sister. Not that it’s any of your concern,” Jaxson spat.

Sleep was a commodity that I wasn’t getting any of. Just like sex lately.

“Do you have a pen and paper? I’ll give you the address. Then I need to call my house and check on Lexa.”

“It’s the middle of the night,” Jaxson said. “Let the poor girl sleep.”

Yeah. Now I understood how he felt.

I relayed the address and directions to him and then agreed to head straight there as long as he brought me a cup of coffee. I didn’t care whether he brewed it at home or had a bottle of iced coffee in his fridge that he brought with him. I just needed an extra jolt of caffeine to keep me awake.

We were going on a rescue mission to get Ariella back, and I didn’t want to fall asleep before my head hit the pillow.