He unfastened his vest. “Here, put this on.”

“What? No.” I couldn’t take it. He had a daughter at home. I had, well, I had me. That was it.

“You’re wearing it. Don’t argue with me,” Jaxson said. His voice firm. He had already made up his mind, and I wasn’t going to convince him, no matter how hard I tried.

The truth was, I didn’t try very hard.

I was terrified, and Sergio wanted me dead.

He probably wanted Jaxson and Jayden dead too, but those guys were former special forces. They had military training. I had nothing.

I lay cowered on the ground, and Jaxson was quick to help me secure the vest.

He was risking his life for me.

“Wait,” I whispered, pulling him tight and close. My lips crashed against his.

If this was goodbye, I didn’t want it to be without him knowing how I feel.

“I love you,” I breathed against his lips.

Jaxson pulled back and cocked a sideways grin. “Yeah? I know. I love you too, Freckles.” His lips devoured me one more time before he pulled back. “Stay here and stay down. I need to know where to find you. Don’t move. No matter what. Okay?”

I nodded in understanding and watched as he took off, disappearing into the night to save Jayden and stop Sergio from killing all of us.