I drank in his scent, his warmth, and the comfort that he offered me.

While the tremors didn’t cease, just being in his embrace was enough to bring a calmness to my emotional state, while my physical one I still wrestled with.

“After I get you into my truck, I’m taking you to the hospital to get looked over and make sure you’re all right.”

Why did he have to be the sensible adult? “Jaxson,” I whined. “I just want to go home.”

While I knew he was looking out for my wellbeing, I didn’t like hospitals.

However, I didn’t know anyone who did. Even so, I would have preferred to go home, climb under the warm covers and curl up with him while I fell asleep.

“I know, and you will after you get checked out,” he insisted. “Don’t argue with me.”

He was using that tone, the same one he used when he spoke to Izzie, and he wouldn’t let her get her way.

I appreciated his protectiveness, even if I didn’t want to go to the hospital. Emergency room visits were never quick. “Can’t we just go to the clinic in town?” I countered.

* * *

Jaxson wouldn’t have it. He insisted on driving me the two hours to the hospital. However, it was more like an hour and ten minutes since we were partially on the way and he drove at lightning speed.

I found it difficult to sleep. The gurney was hard and uncomfortable. The doctors had run a ridiculous number of tests.

We waited for the results.

Jaxson sat beside me, his eyelids heavy as he struggled to stay awake.

“You can shut your eyes,” I mumbled.

“Not until we’re home,” Jaxson said.

I exhaled a heavy sigh. And when would that be? The sun was coming up already. It had been when we arrived at the hospital.

“Who’s watching Izzie?” I yawned as I lay on the cot. Jaxson’s hand nestled in mine.

The tremors had slowed but not fully subsided with the second bag of I.V. fluids.

We were waiting for a number of tests to come back. The doctors wanted to ensure that I wasn’t drugged or facing any other issues before prescribing me my regular regimen.

“Declan’s staying at the house with Izzie.”

“What about Delphine? Oh my gosh, she flew in last night. I was supposed to pick her up!”

“I know,” Jaxson said. He squeezed my hand gently. “She called me when she couldn’t get ahold of you. I told her to take a cab and that I’d pay for the ride to my place. I also sent Declan over to let her in and put Izzie to bed. He decided to crash for the night at our place, which worked out for me.”

My eyelids fluttered closed for a brief moment.

“Thank you,” I whispered, and opened my eyes. I struggled to stay awake. I didn’t want to sleep. Not here. Not now.

“Just rest.” He patted my shoulder with his other hand.

Easier said than done. The bright fluorescent overhead lights hummed with each passing second. Time felt as though it stood still. But at least I was safe.

The doctor didn’t so much as knock as he pulled back the curtain and stepped into the room. “I have good news. Both of you are doing fine.”

“Both of us?” What was he talking about? I glanced at Jaxson.

“Yes, you and the baby.” The doctor paused. “You didn’t know you were pregnant?”

“No. I mean, I didn’t think I could be after the last time.” I exhaled a nervous breath.

“Well, you are both healthy. However, I suggest that you see an obstetrician soon. I am concerned that one of the medications that you told us that you’re taking can cause issues and is not recommended to continue while pregnant. In the meantime, I’m going to give you a prescription to help lower your heart rate, but you should remain on bed rest until you see the doctor treating you for autonomic dysfunction.”

“Okay,” I whispered.

We were pregnant. Jaxson and I were going to have a baby.