"You ever do stuff like that?"

"I'm a Pack werewolf."

He hesitated, as if this was a non sequitur. Then he leaned forward. "But you could do it. Obviously. You're stronger and much younger."

When I didn't answer, he hopped to his feet and rocked on his heels. "You did a helluva job evading Sondra. Better than the doc, that's for sure." He laughed. The sound grated down my spine. "Too bad Xavier interfered. I'd hoped you'd fight Sondra."


I should have explained why I hadn't fought, but I couldn't. My exhaustion was too great. An apology would have to suffice. Maybe if I was polite but not encouraging, he'd take the hint and leave.

"You should have fought her," Winsloe said.

I shook my head, eyes downcast, and slumped into a chair.

"I would have liked it if you'd fought her," he continued.

How 'bout you fight her next time, Ty? Now I'd like that. I kept my eyes down so he wouldn't see the flare of contempt.

"I would have liked that, Elena," he repeated, ducking his head to look at me.

"Why didn't you say so?" Damn! Too sharp. Retreat, retreat. "I guess I got the impression you guys wanted Bauer alive. I should have asked."

Silence. Had that still sounded sarcastic? Damn it! Change tack, double-time. I yawned and rubbed my hands over my face.

"I'm sorry, Ty. I'm so tired."

"You didn't look tired when I walked in. Standing around, chatting it up with Xavier. You two seem pretty tight."

"I was just thanking him. He did me a big favor, jumping in--"

He snapped his fingers, pique vanishing in an eye blink. "Favor. That reminds me, there's something I need to ask you about. Hold on and I'll be right back."

I wanted to ask if it could wait until morning. I really did. But after last night, I desperately needed to get back into his good graces. I couldn't deny him a favor. Besides, he seemed to be in a chipper mood. That was a good sign. So I summoned my last bits of strength, managed a clumsy half-smile, and nodded. Not that my consent mattered. Winsloe and his guards were already gone.



When Winsloe returned I was dozing in my chair. He burst into the cell waving a manila envelope.

"Devil of a time finding these buggers," he said. "Larry had already filed them in his to-do box. Way too efficient."

I roused myself. Tried to look interested. Accidentally yawned.

"Am I boring you, Elena?" Winsloe asked. The edge in his voice twisted his grin into a teeth-baring grimace.

"No, no." Bite back another yawn. "Of course not. What do you have there?"

"Surveillance photos of a werewolf I'd like you to identify."

"Sure"--Damn it, Elena. Stop yawning!--"if I can, but my memory for faces is pretty bad."

"That's okay. This one doesn't have a face." Winsloe chortled. "Not a human face, I mean. He's a wolf. If you ask me, all wolves look the same, which is why Larry didn't bother asking you for an ID. But then I thought, maybe that kind of thinking is too race-centered. You know, like those witnesses who get on the stand and finger the wrong black guy because all black men look the same to them?"

"Uh-huh." Get to the point. Please. Before I drift off.

"So, I thought, maybe all wolf faces don't look the same to a wolf. Or to a part-time wolf." Another chortle that set my nerves on edge.