Chapter 11

‘Mum says that peeing on a jellyfishsting is an old wives’ tale,’ Jake said.

‘It is,’ Annabellereplied. ‘Here – look it up for yourself.’ She handed Jake her mobile phone.

‘Even if I had been stung, Jake would have peed on me for noreason because peeing doesn’t work,’ Sam said. He rolled his eyes, and there were chuckles around the dinner table. The boy was recounting his story yet again, and with each retelling the size of thejellyfish grew and the episode became even more dramatic. Sam was playing to his audience and loving it, and Annabelle smiled indulgently. He seemed to have recovered, and was even talking about having a go at surfing.

When Ron rose to start collectingthe dirty plates, Kate waved him back down.

‘Stay there,’ she instructed. ‘You and Brett cooked, so me andAnnabelle will clear up. If that’s OK with you, Annabelle?’

‘Of course it is.’ Annabelle gotto her feet, and the younger children made a dash for the door and the lure of the games room downstairs.

Kate called out, ‘Hold it right there, kids! You’re notin the clear yet. Put your plates on the counter next to the dishwasher, please. You, too, Ellis and Portia. What are your plans for this evening?’

Ellis shrugged, but Portiasaid, ‘She’ll be Facetiming Riley, like she doesevery night.’ Portia made a kissy face and Ellis elbowed her.

‘You’re just jealous because you can’t Facetime your horse,’ Ellis countered.

‘Yeah, because Starlight is way better looking than Riley,’ Portia countered.

‘Are you saying my boyfriend is ugly? At least I’ve got one!’ Ellis pulled a face.

‘I don’t want one,’ Portia replied loftily.

‘Oh yeah? What about that boy in your geography class? Dillon, is it? I heard you talking to…’

Their voices became indistinct as the girls left the room, still bickering, and Kate blew out her cheeks.

‘When they are babies you have this idea that they’ll be great friends and will keep each other company and stick together no matter what. Now look at them.’ She began rinsing the plates and stacking them in the dishwasher.

Annabelle made a start on the saucepans. ‘I notice Sam stays out of it.’

‘He has his moments, but for the most part he’s just their annoying little brother. Your two seem to get on, though.’

‘They have their moments, too. Right now they’re on their best behaviour. I think it’s because they feel they’ve only got each other.’

‘They’ve also got you,’ Kate pointed out.

‘I’m not so sure they see it that way. Jake hasn’t totally forgiven me – he blames me for not going back to Australia.’

‘He’ll come round. He’s getting on really well with Sam, and I’m sure he’ll make new friends once he starts school. It’s a pity we don’t live closer. Maybe we can sort out a visit when you get back? You can come to us in Pershore.’

Annabelle was touched. It would be something to look forward to. The kids got on well, and she had to admit that although she loved her mum and dad to the moon and back, livingwith them could be a little stifling. And cramped: she was in the single room whilst the kids shared the far more generouslyproportioned double room that had been hers when she was a child. It wasn’t ideal, but with only three bedrooms it was the most practical solution. The sooner Annabelle and the kids had a place of their own the better.

‘I’d like that. Thank you for asking us,’ she decided. ‘I expect Mum and Dad would appreciate a break from us, too.’

‘Have you heard from them? They’re cruising around the fjords, aren’t they?’

‘Now you come to mention it, I haven’t heard a peep since they let me know they’d arrived at the port safely. I’d better send them a message and check they’re OK.’ She patted her pockets, before remembering she’d given her phone to Jake. It wasn’t on the dining table and neither could she see it anywhere else, so he must still have it.

‘Jake, what did you do with my phone? ‘Annabelle asked, poking her head around the games room door. ‘I want to message Granny and Grandad to see how they’re enjoying their holiday. Oh, and Kate’s invited us for a visit later in the year, if that’s OK with you?’

Jake and Sam were playing table tennis, while Portia and Izzie were watching a Disney film in the TV room. Portia was plaiting Izzie’s hair and trying out different styles.

Jake shrugged. ‘Sure.’ Then hecaught the ball and looked at her, his face wary. ‘We won’t be going to live with them, will we?’

‘Definitely not. It’ll be a little holiday, just like this one.’

Liz Davies's Novels