‘I did not!’

‘Yes, you did. She told me so.’

‘Only because she was busy pretending I didn’t exist.’

‘You love her, don’t you?’ Kate shot the question at him, and Ron replied before he had a chance to consider his response.

‘Yes, I do.’

Kate’s gaze searched his face. ‘She loves you, too.’

Ron didn’t believe it.

‘It’s true,’ Kate insisted, seeing his expression. ‘I’d bet my last penny on it. The way she looked at you…’

‘She might have been in lust, but she wasn’t in love,’ Ron argued.

Kate snorted. ‘Trust me, a woman doesn’t look at a man with her heart in her eyes unless she means it. Do yourself a favour and call her. I bet she’ll be delighted to hear from you. And if she isn’t, what have you got to lose?’

What, indeed...?

Liz Davies's Novels