I felt a thrill pass through him at my words. “Who is bossy now, mate?”

“I am. Get dressed. Stop showing off your gorgeous body.”

He stepped back with a grin on his face, and I heard him brag to Varin as the door to our quarters slid closed, “Our mate finds me gorgeous.”

The two guards finally relaxed, lowering their weapons. They turned to face me and introduced themselves.

“Lady Arcas, I am Marz.” The male was golden, much like the doctor. He inclined his head.

“And I am Tyran.”

Lady Rone crossed her arms and looked them over, but spoke to Tyran, “I see Maxim sent the big guns.”

“Of course,” Tyran smiled and his rich, dark skin and dark eyes could bring any girl to her knees.

My confusion must have shown on my face because Lady Rone took my arm and turned me toward the corridor, away from Thomar and Varin. “Tyran has so many integrations he can tear an Atlan beast into pieces with his bare hands. He’s the strongest male on The Colony.”

Walking now, I glanced back over my shoulder at what I thought was a very normal-looking Prillon warrior. “Really?”

“Yes,” Tyran confirmed. “You will meet my mate in a few minutes. She will be happy to brag about her magnificent male. I am undefeated in the fighting pits. I look forward to shoving Thomar’s face into the dust.”

I burst into laughter and looked at Lady Rone. “Are they all like that, Lady Rone?”

She smiled. “Call me Rachel. And yes. Every single one of them.”

I looked back at Marz. “What about you?”

“I am not as strong as Tyran. He has more integrations. I am not mated and my second is dead.”

“I’m sorry.” Damn. Better be careful what I ask around here. Seems these guys only knew how to be blunt and to the point. I had no idea what to say to his revelations. Great way to put my foot in my mouth.

“My bride will come.”

Rachel looked back at him. “Yes, she will. Hold on, Marz. You’ll get an Earth girl. I have good instincts for this kind of thing.”

He inclined his head but said nothing. Rachel wrapped her hand around my elbow and rubbed my soft sweater. “You got the S-Gen thing down. I need some lessons.”

“No problem.”

She laughed. “I knew I was going to like you. Let’s go. The others are waiting.”