Danika scoffed. “Let me guess, he didn’t ask nicely and Gwen told him to shove it up his ass?”

An image of a small, very feisty human female saying such things to the hardened doctor came to mind and I chuckled. If there was one male who needed to be mated, it was Helion. But he refused to be matched. Refused to enter the database and find an Interstellar Bride. On one of our many missions together, before Varin and I were captured, Helion said he would take a mate when the war was over.

Which, if history served, would not be for hundreds of years. Perhaps never.

Danika crawled off my body, and I missed her at once, barely restrained the need to pull her back to me. She stood before us and held out one hand to Varin and one to me. “Come on, gentlemen. Let’s go see what this asshole wants.”

“You will go back to the safety and privacy of our quarters,” I ordered.

“Will not. I’m going with you to meet Helion. He’s not ordering you two to do anything without going through me.”

I looked from Danika’s determined expression to Varin’s shocked one as he took her outstretched hand in his own. “You are very much like Lady Rone.”

She was indeed, and I was not amused. “He is dangerous.”

“Are you saying he would hurt me? A woman?”

“No. Never. He is a Prillon warrior of worth.”

“Great. Then let’s go.”

Unwilling, or perhaps unable to deny her anything, I placed my hand in hers and stood. Varin and I’d had many dealings with the infamous Dr. Helion over the years. None of them enjoyable. I doubted this would be any different.