Thomar did not keep me in suspense. “Danika, do you accept me as your primary male? Do you trust me to love and protect you? Cherish you? Give you pleasure? Or do you with so choose another?”

Oh. My. God. The dream—matching simulation—from the testing center. This was what that warrior had said to his mate…before he’d fucked her brains out.

Leave it to my mates to break the rules. The thought made me smile. They were perfect. Absolutely perfect for me. “Yes, I accept your claim.”

Varin’s voice came at once, as if he’d been biting his tongue, forced to wait. “And do you accept me, Danika, as your second?”

“Yes. I accept you both. Of course I do.” I leaned my forehead against Thomar’s chest, uncaring that we were all still dressed, that my mates were in armor and that my gown was bunched up at my waist. “I love you. I love both of you. You better not die on me today.”

The reminder of what we faced was a buzzkill, but we couldn’t stay here forever, no matter how much I wanted to.

Thomar shuddered. “I will protect and care for you as long as I live.”

“You honor us, Mate. You are ours now. We will honor and shield you. Keep you safe. No one will ever hurt you again.”

I swallowed down tears at my mates’ vows. I believed them and the relief flooding my body was unexpected and painful. I’d been on my own for so long. So damn long. This felt like a reprieve. A miracle. Thomar and Varin were my personal miracles.

Slowly, Varin pulled free of my body. I missed him at once, my pussy clamping down on Thomar’s cock in protest of what I knew was coming.

Moments later I was on my feet, dressed once more. My mates had righted themselves and looked as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, I knew I looked like I’d been crying.

“We must eat. Rest.” Thomar looked at me and must have sensed my unease. He lifted me into his arms, cradled me to his chest so I could hide my face against his neck.

Varin moved to the door, opened it and checked the corridor beyond. “The corridor is empty.” Varin looked at me. “Are you ready?”

“I need a couple more minutes.”

Varin nodded and closed the door without question or complaint. Thomar took a seat with me in his lap. They were caring for me, helping me hide from the world. I needed a few minutes to find myself again. Maybe not to find myself. No. Remake myself now that I was theirs and they were mine. Until death do us part. There were no witnesses, no official ceremony. None of that mattered to me. Not now. Not when we were all dying.

Hopefully that wouldn’t be in a few days for me. And if it were? I had no regrets. Still, it would be much better to save the prisoners, find that Nexus unit and make him tell us how to fix this mess.

Yes. That was a much better plan.