The relief I felt made me dizzy, my mind unable to cope with the sudden loss of connection to Thomar. We had been sharing emotions, sharing a mind for so long.

Wobbling, I turned to thank the doctor. I didn’t have the opportunity as the doctor pointed the device at me and the world faded to quiet, blessed oblivion.

* * *

Thomar, Medical Station, The Colony, Two Days Later

I woke, the constant roar of Hive frequencies in my head present but bearable, lessened somehow. I blinked at the lights over my head and turned my head to each side to determine where I was.

Green stripes on the walls. Coalition Fleet insignia on several pieces of equipment. A beautiful female—a human—sat in front of an odd contraption with her eyes pressed to two round openings. She appeared to be looking at something inside the machine. The mating collar around her neck was copper, and she seemed serene. Unconcerned. Not in pain. Unafraid.

This was not the Hive Integration center.

I was in a medical station. A Coalition Fleet medical station.

How was this possible?

“Where is Varin?” My voice rasped as if I’d been swallowing sand for days.

She looked up at once, a bright smile on her face. “You’re awake! Thank God. I was worried that last treatment might do permanent dam—” She cut off the word before finishing, but I knew. Damage. I was damaged beyond all hope of recovery. I already knew that, even if Varin refused to accept my fate.


“He’s in treatment right now. He should be back any moment. He hasn’t left your side. He’s a worthy male, a worthy second.”

This human female did, indeed, understand our ways, her assessment of Varin’s honor correct. “Yes. He is.”

“Your mate is so lucky to have you, Prince Arcas.”

“Do not call me that.”

“I’m sorry. It says here—” She indicated the small tablet she was holding.

“Call me Thomar or Commander. And I am not mated.”

She tilted her head to the side and walked slowly toward me where I remained restrained, multiple heavy straps holding me to the bed.

I could break them, easily, but I made no move to do so. She was small. Female. No threat. And she did not sing with Hive communications. Her body was not contaminated by their technology or mind control.

“Oh, but you do. She’s on her way now. Dr. Surnen has been working nonstop the last two days to prepare you and Captain Mordin for her arrival.”


“She’s your mate. Matched to you. You are her number one. Ninety-nine percent perfect match, big guy.”

Big guy?

“Sorry. I’m Rachel. I’m mated to Governor Maxim Rone and Ryston. You’re on The Colony now. In the medical station.”

“How long?”

“Two days. Give or take a few hours.”

“No. How long with the Hive?”

“Oh. I don’t know. Just a moment.” She walked to a display station and pulled my military record onto a large screen. I could see everything.

“Seven hundred forty-three days. Fuck.” Red-hot rage filled me as I saw both the count and the bright warning beacon next to my name, the mark of dishonor, the mark used to punish and disgrace entire family bloodlines. Like mine. “I have no mate.”