Page 12 of Rogue Cyborg

I didn’t want a mate. I wanted a good fuck and more freedom. It appeared that she desired the same. Which was fine with me. The way she’d tossed the warriors below around like toys, I imagined it would take all my cross-breed strength to truly tame her in bed.

My cock rose to the challenge.

Her gaze fell to take in the very large, very visible bulge in my pants. And when she only put her hands on her hips and narrowed her dark eyes, almost daring me to say no, I knew she didn’t plan to change her mind. And that dare? It made my cock weep and my balls ache. She was the most defiant female I’d ever met, of any race, anywhere in the galaxy. It only made me want to toss her over my shoulder and carry her off, drop her on my bed and dominate her. Oh, she’d hate that, submitting, but I knew the fight would make her wet. Because one thing I did know about her was that she was passionate, uninhibited. Wild. I looked forward to allowing her to work out all that feminine angst on me. Riding my cock with the deliberateness she gave to everything she did. Using me to soothe whatever had her perpetually riled. Perhaps she just needed an orgasm or two.

Or five.

Oh, I’d give them to her. And more. I’d give her so many, so much pleasure, that she’d be a sweaty, sated mess. Her mind would be empty, her body satisfied. Replete. Finally soothed.

Slowly, I moved.

Braun shifted to allow me to pass, to work my way to the steps that led down to the dirt pit where she stood. Waiting.

As I went, fighters moved out of my way, making a path for me. Perhaps waiting to see if Gwen would lift me and toss me across the pit like she had the Prillon.

She could try. I kept my eyes on hers as I went. Yes, I wanted that fire. Loved that it was directed at me. But this wasn’t a mating in the sense of claiming her as my own forever. No, I couldn’t have what the governor had with his mate, Rachel. Or Tyran with Kristin. Impossible. My cock wanted to fuck her. To spend in her tight pussy. To mark her. And my Hyperion fangs? I felt the pressure in my gums as I forced them to ascend. The beast within needed to bite her neck and make her mine. Permanently.

But because I was Hyperion and Forsian, my cock and my fangs had to work together for the true claiming. This was the secret, the truth no one knew. Not even the doctors who’d treated me when I’d arrived here.

A bite and the Forsian mating cock together would kill her. Forsian women dreamed of the day they’d take their mate’s enlarged cock with the mating head deep in her pussy. A Forsian cock was compared to a club on the home world, filling their females to the extreme. Once a female agreed to the official claiming, the average male would be hard, his cock swelling in eagerness to fill, fuck and mark with his seed.

But a Forsian cock changed more than most. It grew. And grew. The wide head flared and it caught inside, impossible to pull from a female’s tight passage until the claiming was complete. The couple was joined, locked together until the inner Forsian was satisfied that the female was truly and completely his. It took hours of fucking for a Forsian male’s balls to be emptied of all his seed, for the cock to finally be satiated, for the pleasure to recede enough for his body to return to normal size—which was still larger than other races—and able to withdraw. Historically, it ensured the female was so filled with seed that the chances of being bred the first time were high. An innate and biological way for the Forsian race to continue.

By the time the cock was finally withdrawn, the female was unquestionably well-pleasured. Delirious with bliss. Sometimes even driven unconscious. But there was no question of the claiming. No male in the galaxy could miss the scent and marks on a mated female, no matter the race. All would know that she belonged to someone, that her pussy was her mate’s and his alone. She was ruined for all others by the pleasure she found riding the engorged mating head. Once claimed, a Forsian female never longed for another.

As I stepped down onto the packed dirt, I knew Gwen could handle a Forsian mating cock. It would be a pleasure to finally get her stretched open with mine, and that alone would be fine.

But I wasn’t just Forsian. Fuck, no.

Having her pussy pummeled by my club-sized cock along with my Hyperion fangs embedded deep and ruthlessly in her shoulder would surely kill her. It happened again and again with my rare kind. The fact that there were so few of us left, all males, was proof. Something about our genetic line, the mixture of Hyperion and Forsian DNA, turned the Hyperion bite of pleasure into a rare and deadly poison.

Gwen would die if I bit her. It was one thing to fuck her unconscious. My male ego could handle that. But I would not fuck her to death. I couldn’t survive that kind of mistake. And that was why I’d avoided all females, for their own protection.

But now, somehow, the one female I’d avoided with deliberate intention had chosen me. Destroyed any chance I had to keep to my plan. To save her from me. For while we could fuck non-stop, I could never truly claim her as mine.

“He wasn’t a choice. It was to be one of us,” the bold Prillon, Captain Marz, insisted. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and there were three dozen Prillon warriors fanned out behind him prepared to support his claim.

The threat caused Gwen to break my gaze and she glared at the Prillon. “I was told to choose a mate. The only rule was that I had to do it now.”

“He’s not shown you any interest at all,” Tane added.

Gwen narrowed her eyes, crossed her arms over her chest, mimicking the Prillon. She was so much smaller, appearing tiny surrounded by the four males, but I didn’t miss the way her breasts were lifted by her actions. Her clothing did nothing to disguise her female shape, the curves that had incited the constant fighting across Base 3 since she’d arrived.

Tane’s words were true. I’d done everything in my power to appear disinterested. If that Atlan only knew the extent of my obsession with her, he’d be shocked. I’d avoided her to save her and for that reason alone.

Now she was mine. She’d chosen me, and that changed everything.

Standing at the base of the seating area, I bunched my legs and leaped across the arena, landing squarely in front of Captain Marz and his supporters with my knees bent and a growl rumbling from my chest.

The Prillon didn’t budge, standing his ground as I stood to my full height and looked down my nose at his nearly seven-foot frame. He was big. Strong. A good fighter. But I would smash him into dust if he tried to interfere.

“She’s mine.”

“By the gods, Mak.” Tane moved to stand beside me, two Atlan sized warriors ready to fight. I was grateful for his support, and the hush that settled over the arena as first Braun, then every Atlan present stood as well. They would fight to support my claim. If Captain Marz didn’t stand down, things would get bloody, and quickly.

My new mate stepped up next to me. “I can take care of myself, Makarios.”

I looked away from Captain Marz to look down at her upturned face. She should have been sweaty and dirty from fighting, from throwing the Prillon idiot around the arena. But her skin looked dry and soft, utterly kissable. She looked utterly kissable.