Page 22 of Rogue Cyborg

Chapter 7

Gwen, Mission Briefing Room, Base 3

GovernorRone satin one of the large chairs that circled the round table and crossed his arms. He looked entirely too pleased with himself. Smug, even, for getting me mated.And to him that meant subdued.Under control.


But I couldn’t exactly be mad at him either, notafter the night I had. Mak satnext to me, his scent lingering on my skin, my pussy hot and aching and very, very hungry for more.I was a little subdued. Who wouldn’t be after a wild night like ours?

Mak wasan incredible lover. God, I’d lost track of the number of orgasmsthat he’d wrung from my body. And he hadn’t freaked when I’d used my cyborg strength on him. At one point last night, I’d pressed him against the wall and taken him into my mouth until he came all over me, although I realized he wouldn’t have put up any kind of fight.Not by the way he’d groaned and gripped my headin place until the last second when he pulled out and covered me.That man had so much cum in him, it was like he’d stored it up.We’d been in the bathing tube and I’d rubbed his essence all over my skin just to watch his eyes burn into me like they were doing now.

When the water washed it away he’d growled, fangs bared,lifted me from my kneesand shoved my back against the wall, fucking me standing as the water cascaded down over both of us.

It had been erotic. The sexiest thing that ever happened to me.So far.

I wanted more. But I wasn’t going to get it, and my pussy wasn’t too excited about that. It hadn’t ever been an issue before, but now being horny occupied my mind. Which was bad.

Mak’s arm restedalong the back of my chair. I should have protested, but since I was literally counting down the minutesuntilwe’d leave on our mission and he’d leave me, I leaned into him instead, soaking up whatI could get.I wasn’t in love with him by any means, my heart not aching for him to stay. But my pussy? She was head-over-heels in lust and wanted more.

Tough sweetheart. You’re not getting it. Get over it.

“The moon’s atmosphere is highly toxic. Visibility is near zero, the air filled with a white acidic fog. You’ll need to wear full space gear and be prepared for anything.” The governor pointed to a small spot marked on the map of the moon we’d be targeting.A Hive transmission had been caught bouncing off the moon to the surface of the Colony. Which meant the Hive had some kind of base, ship or communications center just over our heads.

The thought made my skin crawl because that meant they were focused on the planet. And if they were focused on the planet, that meant they might come here. Invade. Capture us. Again.

Captain Marz was the leader on this mission, and it was all I could do to look himin the eyeafter the whole pit fighting fuck-up the day before. But I did. In fact, I glared, not quite ready to forgive him yet. But I listened when he spokebecause he wasn’t rehashing it all, and so I wasn’t going to either.And I’d follow him on a mission because, well, I wanted to go on a fucking mission, but also because I respected him as a fighter. I wouldn’t let stupid alien mating rituals get in the way of our jobs.

“We’ll be taking two ships, overlapping our scans. If one of us takes a hit or engages in battle,the other must take out the Hivecommunications before anything else. That is the first priority.Take down the fucking Hive comm.”

“Understood.” I couldn’t wait to get up there and kick some Hive ass. I hoped Captain Marz and hisPrillonfriend, Vance,found the communications gear becauseI wanted to get down and dirty with some Hive assholes. Crush them. Maybe rip off an arm or two.

I should have been worn out from staying up half the night fucking, instead, I was energized.

“I will go with Lieutenant Fernandez.” The Trion warrior seated next to the governorwho spokewas not one I knew. But I didn’t care. He wasirrelevant. Mak and I had a plan, an agreement. He’d given me what I wanted, his scent all over me and more orgasms than I could count.Plus, I was here for the mission briefing, ready to go out and kick some Hive ass.

And true to their word, every male on the Colony I’d come across since we left Mak’s quarters now treated melike I was no more or less interesting than any other member of the contaminated. They were honoring Mak’s claim.I refused to think about how they could somehow, in their space alien way, scent his cum all over me—even though I’d washed it off.

As for our agreement? I’d keep to it, which meantit was time for me to pay up. I looked up at Mak, nodded for him to go ahead, that I was still in this with him.

A deal was a deal, no matter how much it sucked balls and made my hungry body want to weep.One night was not enough, and I had a feeling I was ruined for all other guys—not that they’d get near me now that I had Mak’s scent all over me.

“I will accompany my mate,” Mak said, giving the Trion fighter the Vulcan death stare.“I will keep her safe. I do not trust these weaklings to ensure her safety.” Mak made the declaration with a cold, quiet voice that spoke moreloudly than a shout would have.

The Trion looked to Governor Rone for guidance and kept his mouth shut, but I could see he was angry in every line in his body.

The governor leaned forward, his elbows on the table, hands clasped as he tilted his head, staring at both of us like a curious bloodhound sniffing out a lie. “I can scent your mating from here. Of that I have no doubt.”

“Then what’s the problem?” I asked, and I refused to think about the blush creeping into my cheeksat him sniffing out all the sex Mak and I’d had. “You said choose a mate. I chose Mak. Now you can deal with the consequences.If heis adamant about going with me, I will not sway him otherwise. You all wanted me to understand your customs,the way you’re all so darn bossy,to go along with them.”I shrugged.“I am. If he wants to go, then who am I to stop him?”

“You aren’t,” the governor said. “I’m the one to stop him.”

ThePrillonshook his headafter the governor finished. “It’s too soonfor you to leave the planet, Makarios.”

Mak rose to his full height and I sat back and grinned. God, he was magnificent. Truly.

“I don’t give a shit what you think about me. Things have changed.She is mine!” His voice was a roar now, fangs fully extendedas Mak pointed at me.Like there was any doubt who he was talking about.Two more guards rushed into the roomat the outburst, but the governor raised his hand and theyheld back, waiting to see how this mess played out.

I was interested in seeing that myself.What I’d thought of as alien posturing before, I saw now as hot as fuck. At least with Mak all growly and alpha.I wanted to drag him out of the room and have my way with him.