Page 33 of Rogue Cyborg

“Mak, you still with me?”

Telling my cock to stop tormenting me, I lifted my head and answered my female. The plan she laid out for us was dangerous. Deadly. Insane. And she was fully prepared to do it alone.

“Always, mate.”

“Good.” Gwen clapped her hands together and pointed at Marz and Vance. “You two take the two shuttles back to Base 3. Get Rezz. Tell him what’s going on. Just Rezzer. No one else. You have a locator beacon?”

“Of course.” Marz reached into his pockets and tossed her the small device. She caught it easily.

“Good. Give Rezz the frequency to this beacon and tell him to be ready to move. Tell him we’ll meet him at the beacon’s location. Got it?”

Marz nodded, even though he was the one in charge, he was quietly taking orders. “Warlord Rezzer deserves vengeance for what the Hive Nexus attempted to do to his mate and children. He may not want to come alone. The other warlords may request to join him.”

“Too many cooks spoil the soup,” she replied, although I had no idea what the hell that meant. “And I don’t want the governor to find out what we’re doing until it’s too late. He can’t know until it’s over and I’m long gone.”

“Gone? Gone where? You’ll have to answer to him eventually. The Intelligence Core will have you in debriefing for weeks.” Captain Marz dared argue with her. I let him. He was saying everything I was thinking. Let him be the one to anger my female.

“The Hive ship you see behind me is mine. This is only one Nexus unit, on one world. There at least eight others.”

“And you want to hunt them all?” I asked. I knew the answer, but I asked anyway. Where she went, I went. End of discussion. If she wanted to spend the rest of her life hunting Hive, I would be at her side, bashing skulls and killing as many of the bastards as I could.

Gwen turned to look at me, her eyes still blue, not her natural, soft brown. But the determination was easy to recognize. “Yes.”

“All right.”

Her jaw dropped. “No argument? No chest-beating, caveman protests? Aren’t you going to forbid me from leaving you? From hunting? From putting myself in danger?”

“No, mate. Where you go, I follow. If you want to hunt and kill a thousand Hive, you will hunt, but you will not do it alone.”

“By the gods, will you two shut the fuck up? You’re talking about stealing a Hive ship, disobeying the governor’s orders and going rogue.” Captain Marz paced now, frustration evident in the quick steps and stiffness in his spine.