Page 36 of Rogue Cyborg

Chapter 11

Gwen, Surface of the Colony Moon, on board the Hive ship


“You heard me,” he replied.

“You’re going to spank me? What for?” The guy was insane if he thought he was going to get his hands on me—at least that way. I was all for the fucking part.

“For putting yourself in danger. For not listening to a single thing I said. For taking on nine Hive all by yourself.”

The way he said the word nine had me taking a step back. His face was red, tendons in his neck becoming extended. His fangs were hanging low, just over the edge of his bottom lip. Yeah, he was pissed.

“But I didn’t want you to get hurt. It’s not like you could listen to them, to know their thoughts. To kill them.”

He took a step closer. “You think me weak, mate?”

I shook my head, swallowed. The intensity on his face as he toed off his boots, stripped out of his clothes, made me nervous.

“No. Of course not.”

“You did what you thought you must. I can’t go back and change it now. But I can change your mind about doing something so reckless in the future.”

Before I could turn around and run off—not that there was any place for me to really go on the small ship—he had me tossed over his shoulder. His hand came down on my butt as he walked me toward… somewhere. Since I was upside down and staring at his taut, bare ass, I was a little distracted.

Besides, that one swat stung. His hand was huge!

“You will not rush into battle alone, do you understand me, mate? It is my right and my privilege to protect you. I can’t do that if you leave me behind.”

He dropped me onto a bed and I watched as he put his hands on his hips. He stood like a warrior, all sinewy muscles, strong physique and gorgeous cock. I’d pricked his ego by running off and taking care of the Hive myself. I could do it without him. I had done it. Showed him I wasn’t weak. But proving it only hurt him. Not only emotionally because he was angry, but deep down in his very DNA. He was hard-wired to protect a female. Cherish her. Keep her safe from harm. Away from lunatics like the Hive. Yet I’d taken that ability from him.

Now, he was gaining his control back. And spanking me would be proof of it, that I was with him, safe and that he once again had control over me.

Like he ever did. But I could let him think so. Let him get himself back in check, on even ground. Knowing I could do this to him was heady, powerful stuff. That I could practically bring him to his knees with emotion was intense.

I put my feet on the bed, spread them wide, let him look his fill. See all of me. “I’m sorry, Mak. But you know I can take care of myself. I proved that today.”

“What if there had been fifty Hive? A hundred? What if they had advanced weaponry? No. You do not fight alone. Not anymore.” He devoured me with his eyes, his cock straining toward me. Big. Eager. I knew that cock, knew it would stretch me wide and be hard. Rough. Wild. God, I wanted him wild.

“Come here, Mak.”

He shook his head, his gaze locked like a laser on my wet pussy lips. “You want your spanking on your pussy?” he asked.

Instantly, I closed my knees. “What? No!”

“Then roll over and present that ass.”

I had to admit—to myself, I wasn’t going to tell Mak this—his bossiness in the bedroom made me hot. I didn’t want my pussy spanked, sheesh, but I did want his dirty talk. And I didn’t mind that hot hand on my ass, either.

And so I rolled over and up onto my hands and knees, curved my back so my ass was up and presented to him.

“Ah, mate, I love seeing my handprint all pink and pretty on your ass. Now to add a few more.”

He spanked me again and I rocked forward. I hissed at the sting but bent my head down, inspected the weeping tip of his cock through the vee of my legs, the way it jumped at every small sound I made. Testing my power over him, I shifted back, closer to him, making sure he could see the wetness coating my aching pussy. His spanking stung, but it didn’t hurt. Not really. Not enough to counteract the thrill I had submitting to him, letting him do what he wanted with me.

All my life had been about fighting. Resisting. First at home, then in the military and Coalition ReCon. Even more when the Hive had caught and tortured me, turned me into what I was now. Arriving on the Colony had offered no relief, for as soon as I appeared, the males began fighting over me. Following me. Trying to seduce me. Win me over. Claim me for their own.

But I’d chosen Mak. I wanted his touch, his hands on my body. His mind attuned to my needs. I needed him to care. And right now, he trembled with emotions I didn’t dare name, even as he spanked my bottom. Made my skin burn and my heart explode with love and lust and trust. I’d never trusted anyone the way I did Makarios of Kronos, the rebel, smuggler, criminal. Because he was mine.