Breathing out a sigh of relief, he made his way up to her front door. Knocking on it, he waited. He counted to ten then to twenty before the door finally opened and there she stood. At first, she glared at him.

“I didn’t mean for that to happen today.”

“Then what did you mean to happen?”

“I don’t want to argue with you, Pru.”

“I don’t want to argue with you either but I didn’t agree to you starting a fight with Sean.”

“He fucking started it.”

“Seriously? You want to do this? You want to start throwing blame?”

“I don’t want to argue with you.”

“I don’t want to argue with you either, but you’re making it really hard for me to want to take your side,” she said.

This wasn’t what he wanted.

“You do know I didn’t want any of this to happen, right?”

“Yes, I know that.” She wouldn’t look at him.

“Dammit, Pru, look at me.”

She waited a couple of minutes before finally giving him her full attention. “What?”

“What’s going on here with us?” he asked.



“Yes, there’s nothing going on. You’re here trying to tell me what went on back at high school.”

“You’re withdrawing from me.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“I honestly don’t know what you want from me anymore, Drake.”

“It has been one day and we can’t even remain friends because of it.” He couldn’t lose her. There was no way he could allow her to go. They weren’t done. “I’m sorry.”

“Please, stop saying that.”

“I mean it, though.”

“I know. You keep saying it but I really don’t need to hear it.” She released a breath and looked incredibly nervous.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“I’m just thinking this is a lot harder than it was supposed to be.”

“Dammit, Pru. Don’t do what I know you think you should do.”

He wasn’t going to question her, not when he had her in his arms. “All I could think about all day was that kiss.”

“I wish we could have spent all day in the closet and not come out. I would’ve loved that.”

“Me too,” he said, being completely honest with her. There was nowhere else he’d wanted to be than with her. When his friends had arrived, he’d hated it. All he wanted to do was tell them to fuck off. Then the shit with Sean. It seemed that no matter what he did, he was always screwing up in one form or another.

Running his fingers through her hair, he closed his eyes and breathed her in. For now, he didn’t have to worry about anyone or anything. He could just enjoy being around her, and it was all he wanted, all he craved, all he wished for.

“Will Sean be coming here?” he asked. He didn’t want to leave her but for tonight, he would give her this chance to be with her best friend if she needed it.