“It really is beautiful,” she said.

With it in place, he stepped in front of her and she took his hands, going to her tiptoes to kiss him. Something changed in the air. He didn’t know what it was, only there was something happening between them. She pressed her head against his. Neither of them spoke for several seconds, or maybe even minutes. He didn’t care about the ticking of time. All he cared about was Pru.

“Drake,” she said.


“Make love to me.”

Her words took him completely by surprise. “Pru, are you … ready?”

“Yes. I know I want you to be my first.”

Her first.

For Drake, he’d be her fucking only. He couldn’t even stand to have Sean touching her, let alone another man. It wasn’t possible. He didn’t share and never would.

“I didn’t bring you here expecting this to happen.” He’d hoped something would, but it wasn’t that he faced being her first. Something else had overcome him. Fear.

Sex for Pru on her first time could be painful. He’d never been with a virgin before but at the very thought of hurting her, he didn’t want to do that. He’d spent too much time causing her pain to experience it.

If you don’t do it, someone else will. Think about it. Another guy seeing her naked, spreading her thighs, making her come, giving her pleasure that only belongs to you.

He didn’t want to think about it.

“Do you want to? I assumed you’d enjoy it. It’s sex. Don’t all guys like sex?” she asked. Her nerves were clearly showing through.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t. Not in the way you think.” She touched his chest and began to work the buttons of his shirt open.

He didn’t stop her. He wanted this and letting her take the lead, at least for this part, he could do. If she got naked and was ready for him, he could do the rest.

She pushed the shirt from his body and it fell to the floor in a heap. He made no move to help her as she worked on his pants. This was all on her.

She was the one in control.

Not him.

She had to do what she wanted to him.

Pru tugged on his belt and he waited. “You’re really not going to help me?”

“I will when you need help. For now, let me enjoy this. You want me, Pru. This is a first for me.”

She smiled at him. “But you do want this?” she asked.

“Yes. More than you know.”

“I’ve never gotten a man naked before.”

“I had figured that little detail out.” He winked at her.

He dropped her towel to the floor in a heap and picked her up in his arms.

“I’m heavy,” she said. “You’ll break something.”

“Shut up.”

He lowered her to the bed and joined her. He moved between her thighs and she spread her legs for him. There was no reason to rush. He was more than happy to take his time, letting her get accustomed to him.

Kissing her lips, he stroked his tongue across her mouth before plunging inside. He didn’t linger too long, trailing his lips down her body, going to her neck and sucking on her pulse. She let out a gasp, tilting her head to the side to give him better access.