Had fun with you and Allie last night.

Sitting up in bed, I pull the covers up around myself. I start typing and erase my message, unsure what to say.

Me too. Should we talk about our breakup?

I hit send and hope that I haven’t made a mistake. Should I have suggested we just do the breakup via text? I mean, it’s not a real relationship anyhow. Except, I don’t want to end things with him.

My phone immediately buzzes with a notification that he’s calling.

“Good morning,” I say.

That was quick.

“Morning,Malishka,” Dmitri says. “How’d you sleep?”

A smile grazes my face. I shouldn’t feel so damn giddy when talking to him. He’s just a friend, one whom I slept with. It’s no big deal. “I slept well. What about you?”

“The best night of sleep since being unconscious for what—six weeks?”

“That’s not funny.” He shouldn’t be joking about his coma, but maybe it’s how he’s processing the trauma of what happened.

“Do you want to get breakfast this morning?” Dmitri asks.

I glance at the clock. It’s just past eight. Allie will be asleep for at least another two hours. Breakfast would be just the two of us. “Yeah, that’d be nice.”

“Great, it’s a date.”

I clear my throat at his remark. “Dmitri,” I say, my tone holding a hint of warning.

“It’s just an expression, relax. I’ll swing by shortly.”

I glance down at my pajamas. “I need to get dressed.”

“Is twenty minutes enough time?”

Barely. The man doesn’t know how long it takes a woman to look presentable. “I need to shower.”

“You could wait for me, and we could shower together,” Dmitri says.

My stomach fills with butterflies. “We could, but there’s no way that Allie won’t hear us.” It’d be impossible to keep quiet with his hands on my body and my insides aching for him to fuck me.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips, and I bite down hard on my bottom lip when I realize he can hear me.

He chuckles under his breath. “How about I’ll be there in forty-five minutes? It’ll give you enough time to take a nice, hot shower.”

I try not to whimper at the fantasies burning in my head of him pushing me up against the shower stall and fucking me from behind.

“Great. I’ll see you in a bit.” I don’t comment on his hot shower remark. It could have been innocent, and he didn’t mean anything sexual.

Who am I kidding?

He offered to come over and shower together.

Dmitri chuckles. “Think of me when you come,Malishka.”

I moan involuntarily. The man is my absolute undoing.

“Did you just purr?” Dmitri asks.