Page 6 of Asshole Husband

He took the file from her and staring her in the eye, he tore it up.

“Why are you being so childish?”

“You’re my wife. You’re staying my wife. I’m not negotiating terms like that, Rachel. I don’t care what is written in a document or file. I have no care to know. You’re mine, and it’s how it will stay.”

“You’re being so unreasonable. You married me to get on the board. To have a partial own in my family’s company. You’re keeping that. You can let me go.”

“So you can be with him?”


“Yes, seeing as you know all about my PI following you around, let’s talk about the bastard near my son.” He folded his arms. The file was torn up on his desk. He couldn’t believe she would even try to get him to divorce her. It pissed him off, but what really got on his nerves was the little asshole thinking he could play happy families with his woman and kid.

Rachel, even though she was determined not to see it, belonged to him.

He wasn’t giving her up, ever.

She was going to realize he didn’t let go, nor did he share what belonged to him. The moment she took his name and let him put a ring on her finger, she became his, and in doing so, well, there was no reason to even delve into the fact she was his.

“Are you kidding me right now? You’re angry because I’ve got a friend?” She held onto her bag with a death grip as she glared at him.

This was a side of his wife Wolfe had never seen. Not even when her family tried to dissuade her from marrying him. She was always placid, never confrontational. In a way, her innocence and naiveté had made his job even easier. She’d been looking for love and acceptance, her perfect fairy tale, and he’d gone out of his way to provide it. This woman staring back at him, she wasn’t holding onto the hope of a happy ending. No, this woman wanted to be rid of him, and rather than find it irritating, he actually found it a real turn-on. They both had a part of themselves they had kept hidden. He had believed for a long time Rachel wouldn’t be able to handle the real him. She had wanted a fairy tale, something that didn’t exist. He’d worked hard to try to bring her something close to it.

She looked sexy, with her wild blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. There was no hope or love, or trying to appease him.

Right now, he wanted her beneath him as he sank his cock deep into her pussy, and had her screaming his name. Even when he claimed her virginity on their wedding night, she’d held back. She’d been reserved.

The tears she’d spilled along with her virgin blood had made sure, to him, he wouldn’t let her go.

“He’s just a friend? Please, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. No guy spends time with a single woman without hoping to fuck.”

“You’re disgusting.” She turned on her heel as if to walk away.

“You’re tempted.”

She got to the door and whirled around. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me, Rachel. Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit this new you. The old you, maybe.”

“How could I have been so wrong about you? You’re disgusting.”

“You saw what you only wanted to.”

“No, I saw what you wanted me to see and nothing else. It was all lies, and you’re not a good man.”

“Are we going to start crying because I’m a man who gets what I want?” he asked, putting on a fake pout.

She shook her head. “You always get what you want, regardless of who you hurt in the process.”

“I had no choice but to hurt you, but if you come to my desk, spread those pretty thighs, I can show you how not painful it really is.”

She blushed, even now.

He knew she’d not been with another man. He’d have put an end to any kind of relationship she ever intended to start.

The ring he’d given her, he glanced down to her hand, and saw it was gone.

“Where’s my ring?”

She held her hand out. “I don’t wear it. I’ve not worn it in a long time.”

His hands clenched into fists. He would have to look over the pictures his PI sent to him, because this latest news he hadn’t seen. He’d been so preoccupied in staring at her he’d missed the fine detail of the missing ring.

“I want a divorce.”


“This is useless. Neither of us wants in this marriage. I want to be able to find a husband who loves me. Who will not lie to me.”

“Oh, please, no guy like that exists. Stop being so fucking stupid about all of this.”

“Fine! I want to be free of you so I can find a man who will fuck me. Is that what you want to hear?” she asked, screaming the words.