Page 1 of Double Teamed



Irun the damn play until the coach’s whistle stops us in our tracks.

“Dammit, Brooks! What the hell are you doing? Daydreaming? You should have already had that pass in the damn air! Get your head out of your ass and concentrate on the fucking play!”

I pull to a stop and huff out a breath, leaning down to rest for a second. I can feel my back protesting and I groan under my breath. My teammates study me and I know the younger ones are looking for a chink in my armor. They’re looking to get my job. Especially Kennedy.

The younger man eyes me with a smirk and a vicious light in his cold eyes. “Ya good there, old man?” he questions me.

I stand and eye him with a sneer. “I’m good, Kennedy. Why don’t you just worry about your own problems and leave mine alone?”

He stalks up to me and pushes me in the chest and I immediately feel my temper rising. I shove it down but it’s there, boiling just under the surface.

“Your problems are our problems, man. You and your broken-down old body are about to take this team down and I don’t feel like I should have to stand on the sidelines with my thumb up my ass when I should be taking over. I’d take us to the playoffs for sure.” His burning gaze runs up and down my body. “You’re just a fucking anchor to the champions that this team could be with me.”

I stalk up to him and my furious stare turns razor-sharp. “Until I get dragged out of here I’m in charge of this fucking team, Kennedy. I don’t need some little twit who’s barely done with his mommy wiping his ass trying to tell me what I need to do for this team! I’ve taking us to the championships, asshole. You haven’t done shit to prove yourself yet! So back the fuck off!”

Coach hollers from across the field. “You two get lined up! What the fuck are you doing out there?”

I glance over and that’s when I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I duck just as Kennedy’s fist flies over my right shoulder, whizzing past my ear uselessly.

I whip around and growl, “You son of a bitch! You like to sucker-punch, huh? Well, let’s see if you can take it as well as you can dish it out!” And then my fist hits him square in the jaw and I hear the satisfying crunch.

He staggers back, his hand clutching his face. “Shit! What the hell was that for, dickhead?”

He moves his hand and I see the blood coming out of his mouth as he spits out a tooth that’s been broken. I swear to god I’ve never been happier.

I point at him. “You got what you deserved! Keep your fucking shit to yourself!”

“Brooks! What the fuck is going on with you? Get your ass off the field! Both of you! Kennedy, go to medical and get that taken care of! Brooks, I want to talk to you!”

I sigh and stomp off the field, my temper still barely leashed even though I know I need to get myself under control before I talk to coach.

I head for him and stand in front of him, my arms crossed over my chest, a mulish look on my face.

“Wipe that look off your face, Brooks! You can’t put your own teammates in the damn hospital! Head to the locker room. And then come to my office.”

Shit, shit, shit!I fucked up and I know it. I whirl around and head inside. A long, hot shower later and I feel more controlled. But at the same time, I know I’ve really messed up now. My pulse races when I step inside the coach’s office and I see our PR rep standing there. She shoots me a glare that should freeze me in my tracks.

I step inside and sit in one of the seats in front of coach’s desk. He growls, “You took your sweet time, Brooks.”

“I just took a normal shower, coach.” I want to add more. Some snarky damn comment that I know would get me benched. But I don’t. I can feel the hammer on my career ready to drop and I’m not ready to be done yet.

Humph!” he grumbles, pointing at Sharon. “Well, you tell him what you need to.”

She turns and glares at me, her blue eyes like ice. She’s actually really freaking attractive and normally I’d notice that but not now. She’s about to say something I’m not gonna like and I pull my shoulders back, clearing up my face so no one can see the nervous anxiety on my face.

Her pouty red lips open and she says, “We don’t need any more behavior like this, Brooks. Upper management has already talked after your last little stunt and we made a decision at that point in time that if anything else happens you’re to be benched until you complete some intense therapy with a therapist of our choice.”

“What!”I lurch to my feet, bitterly angry. “Why wasn’t this ever mentioned to me?”

“Why?” she smirks. “Were you going to make sure you play nice with all your teammates if we told you that?” She snorts. “You’re an adult. We shouldn’t have to threaten or bribe you. You should just be an adult out there and quit throwing fucking tantrums.”

“I’m not throwing tantrums,” I growl. But I flush, knowing they kinda have a point. I should have been able to keep my cool with Kennedy even if he does push all my buttons.

“Yeah, right. Well now we’ve got you lined up with a therapist that one of the owners has checked out and likes. So you’ll meet with her tomorrow night. She will be given all the information she needs to figure out what your major malfunction is lately and hopefully address it quickly. Because you’re not going out on that field again until you’re okayed.”