Page 11 of Double Teamed

“I don’t need to think about it,” she mutters, stubbornness all over her face, her full lips tightening. “I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to think about it. This can’t happen. Not between you and me and not between you, me and Sebastian. Jeez! I need to get home. I need to sleep.”

I can see the denial on her lips but I also see the heat she can’t quite hide in her clear blue-green eyes.

I nod my head. “You’re not driving yourself home, princess. So if you’re ready to go, get your things and I’ll drive you.”

“No! I can drive myself,” she argues, her body tensing.

“This is not up for negotiation. If you don’t want me or Sebastian to take you home, I’ll call a car for you but you’re not driving. You’re too emotional right now.”

She hisses, her eyes sparking with anger. “I’m not emotional,” she growls like a tigress.

I can’t stop the smile. “I’m sure you’re not. Humor me, princess. I need to make sure you get home okay. It would destroy me if something happened to you.”

She huffs but silently waves at her phone. “I can call for a ride myself.”

“Then do it. But just don’t do something crazy like drive when you’re not in the shape for it just to thwart me from finding out where you live.”

“That wasn’t my only reason.”

I laugh lightly. “Just the biggest one.”

“Right. I’ll be okay by myself until they show up.”

Shaking my head, I sit on the couch. “Nope. Not until they get here and I see you safely into the car.”

“Fine,” she growls and I watch her call for the car and then hang up. “He said he’ll be here in thirty minutes.”

“Good. So that gives us time to have a little fun until he gets here.” I laugh at the shock on her face. “I’m kidding, princess. Tonight is not the night for that. But I’m not giving up. Not by a long fucking shot.”

She sits down on the far side of the room, her body practically vibrating with some undefined emotion and I think it’s lust. I’m not sure she knows it. But she’s weakening in her resolve.

Time and trust. Hopefully that will win her over. It’s a strange relationship that Sebastian and I have. A symbiotic partnership in all things and I know she’d fit right in.

But she has to figure it out. She has to stop trying to fight her own body, her own feelings.

And I’m still not entirely sure that she will. But at least I’ve distracted her from her loss.

I wish I could take away the pain I’m sure she’ll find again later. But the few minutes of peace are all I can give her now.

I settle in and chat with her lightly about my day, letting her ask me the questions she must ask all her patients. Letting her lead me through the exercises that she automatically dredges up.

Letting her be the woman she is. Smart, sexy and good at her job. It’s a fucking turn-on and I struggle to keep my dick under control.

Down, boy. Get a grip.

But not by one flicker of an eyelid do I show the strain that I’m feeling.

My smile is set, my eyes happy. Because if nothing else, I’m still here. She’s still in the room with me, smiling lightly and laughing at the oldest sports joke in history.

And my heart calms in my chest. Because she’s where she’s supposed to be. Where I can protect her, love her and make her day just a little better. That’s all I can ask for right now.

But someday….



Ifiddle with my pencil while I study my latest client. She’s a beautiful woman but so damn shy that it’s like pulling teeth to get her to say anything. I’ve been sitting here for half an hour after asking her about herself. Nothing.