Page 13 of Double Teamed

“Thank you.” She lifts her head and I can see a small smile on her serious face.

I shake hands with her and she smiles, seeming more relaxed already. She leaves and I close the door behind her, feeling my body sag against the door.

I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day and I’m worried that Kade will be reinstated or he won’t be reinstated. I’m not even sure which one I’m more worried about.

I grab my car keys and turn off the lights, locking the door behind me.

Tomorrow will be soon enough to worry about what’s going on with me and the gorgeous football player. And the gigantic attorney with the chip on his broad shoulder.



Ipace outside the general manager’s office. I put every argument that I had out there. Laid it all out including the other player’s culpability for instigating the fight.

I’ve done everything I can do. Now all we can do is wait and hope for the best.

Kade paces restlessly around the small antechamber to the office.

“Will you settle down? You’re wearing a hole in the floor.”

He shoots me an angry stare. “I don’t know how you can be so calm about this! This is my life here!”

I shake my dark head and clap him on his tense, mile-wide shoulders. “Dude. Don’t say things like that. This is just a job. There’s always going to be something for you out there. And I know you, you cheap bastard. You drive that old clunker. You don’t pay massive amounts of money for a house or furniture. You don’t buy sports cars or own a cabin on the lake…I’m all for that one by the way. We need a cabin on the lake to spend some vacation time at. It would be good for you to get away. Me too for that matter.” I sigh and tug at my tie, then rumple my hair. I’m exhausted. Work is picking up even more. I’m not sure I can keep up with this pace.

The door opens and both of us whirl around. The coach comes out smiling. “Pads on tomorrow, buddy. But don’t fuck up like this again.” He claps Kade on the back and nods to me.

After he walks away, I turn to Kade and grin. “We need to go find our girl.”

“And fire her,” he laughs.


Twenty minutes later we’re pulling up to the doc’s office but I can already tell that there’s no one here. The floor that her office is on is already dark.

I turn to Kade. “Do you know where she lives?”

He shakes his head and I growl, smacking the steering wheel with the flat of my hand. “Dammit! What now?”

“Remember that reporter that wanted to do a story on you? The one that had this whole idea for the robin hood angle. Not robbing from the rich though. Just standing up for the underdog.”

“Yeah, so?”

“I bet that they can find out where the doc lives?” Kade’s eyes sparkle and his grin is bright in the darkened car.

“You think that’s a good idea? That could really piss her off.”

“You don’t win the game unless you play hard, buddy.” He grunts when I punch him in the chest and rubs it lightly, glaring at me.

“I’m pretty sure that’s how I ended up with a limp and no more football career, dickhead.”

“Oh, sorry. I just meant that if we want her, we’re gonna have to take whatever advantages we can.”

“Right. But couldn’t that get someone in trouble.”

“You need to stop worrying so much.”

After a deal that I can’t believe I made, to give James Capshot an interview all about my various philanthropies, we’re heading to a large house outside of town. As soon as we pull up outside the glowing windows, we know. We know what the doc wants and needs.