Page 18 of Double Teamed

I shoot to my feet and run to the door, dragging her inside. “Come in, princess. We’ve been waiting for you.” I can’t help myself and shoot her an impatient look. “Took you long enough.”

Sebastian growls. “Drop it, you idiot.”

I nod my head. “Right, right. Come sit.” I maneuver her inside the door and eye Sebastian critically. He looks barely human right now. His eyes are fired up with a primitive stare that has her glancing down at her feet before she lifts her head and tilts her chin at both of us.

Then she sighs and her hands fidget in her soft lap. She’s wearing a slim pencil skirt that she wears to the office and it cradles those fucking wide as hell hips like my hands are itching to. Her soft aqua blue blouse is unbuttoned on the first two buttons. I can just barely catch a glimpse of the shadow between her full breasts and it’s got my dick stretching in my boxers like it’s trying to reach out to catch her.

I shift and her eyes lift to study me. Then she smiles and it’s like the fucking gates to heaven open up.

And that’s when I know it’s all going to be alright. She wouldn’t be here to see us and smiling if she wasn’t going to give us good news. My body relaxes and I sit down beside her, touching her hands lightly. Sebastian jumps to his feet and stalks around the desk. He settles back into it, his long legs crossed casually and I want to laugh at him. He’s trying to hide the fact that he’s wound up as tight as a two dollar watch.

“So what did you want to see us about, Alex?” His voice is clipped and controlled and she flinches away from his harsh words. I shoot him an impatient glare and he sits back, shrugging.

I lean forward and tug at her slim fingers until she looks up at me. “What do you need, baby girl?” I ask, holding my breath, praying that I hear what I hope I will.

“You know I looked into it.” She won’t meet my eyes and I swing around to shrug my shoulders and make a face at Sebastian.

“What are you talking about exactly?”

“If I was to marry one of you and the other lived with us, there’s nothing that says that I’d lose my license. As long as we keep ourselves private, nobody can do anything. It’s not ideal and I’d love to be able to claim you both but…” her voice trails off and she sighs. Her head lifts and her eyes are so full of love that it takes my breath away. My heart finally starts beating like it’s supposed to. I can feel my blood beginning to pump in my veins.

The last few weeks it’s felt like nothing on my body worked like it was supposed to. But with one little sentence, my whole body lights up and all’s right with the damn world.

But of course the lawyer in Sebastian can’t just leave it alone. “What are you saying, baby girl? Are you willing to be with both of us? Are you willing to give yourself to us we want to give ourselves to you?”

She nods her head and the shy little smile she gives us has me struggling not to pull her onto my lap right here. Struggling to keep my damn hands to myself.

Fuck, I’ve missed her so damn bad.It feels like nothing’s been right while she’s been gone.

“I think that since Kade is going to retire soon and has more free time to cover things at home, he should be my husband,” she says and for just a second the retirement thing burns like a fucking shot to the gut.

But then I realize it’s something that I knew was coming. I’ve always known sooner or later, my career would be over. So I squirreled away as much of my money as possible.

Unlike most pro football players, I’ve invested and saved so much that I’m set for life.

And I can sure as hell take care of our family.

But by the stubborn look on both of their faces I know it’s not something I should say right now.

Now it’s time to celebrate the future. I lift her up until she’s cradled on my lap and she ducks her head shyly. I lift her chin up gently on my hand. “Are you sure, baby? If you say yes, then we’ll never let you go. We both love you and it would kill us if you left. I don’t know about Sebastian but if he feels like I do, he’d chase your gorgeous ass down and tie you to the bed until you change your mind.”

Her face flushes. She nibbles at her full bottom lip and I groan, shifting under her. “Would you make love to me? To change my mind I mean?”

Sebastian snickers and my head whips around. This is the most relaxed he’s looked in weeks. His dark eyes sparkle and stay fixed on Alex, unable to look away. I know what he’s feeling because my eyes are locked on her like heat-seeking missiles.

“Alex, we’d both make love to you, tied up, until you couldn’t even walk. So you sure as hell couldn’t run.”

I tip my head and chuckle. “Agreed.”

She slowly sits up and her hands wrap around my shoulders, her weight shifting so that she can feel my thick erection pushing at her backside. “I think I’d like that.”

“I damn sure know I would,” I mutter under my breath and then my hands sink into her carefully-twisted hair, pulling it loose around her glorious flushed cheeks. My lips meet hers and I drink in her soft gasp and then groan when she grinds down on me. I stand up easily, laughing when she sucks in a startled breath, her lips pulling away just inches.

“You’re going to hurt yourself, Kade!” she argues.

“A little bitty thing like you thinks you can hurt me?” I laugh. But then my face softens and I study her like the work of art she is. “The only way you could hurt me is if you left me, doc. Everything else is just perfect. Whatever you want to give me, however you want to do this, I’m all in.”

“I want you both so much,” she whimpers, turning until she can wrap her thick legs around my hips. Sebastian stalks over and we sandwich her between us. His hands run down her back and settle unerringly on her rounded bottom.