Page 4 of Double Teamed


We shake hands at the door and I remind her to make her appointment with Grey then I close the door and open up the app on the computer to make notes on the patient’s permanent records.

Grey opens the door and smiles at me. “Don’t tell me, let me guess. You can’t find your glasses.”

I growl and pull them off my head. “I told you that I’ve been managing quite well lately. I’ve only lost two pairs in the last month.”

“You’re lucky those are just cheap readers. You’d owe thousands on glasses if you kept that up with real glasses.”

“I know. I’m endlessly grateful. Was that our last patient of the morning?”


“Well then, you can go on home and nurse your sore head.”

He cocks his head at me. “Are you sure?” A lock of black hair falls in his dark eyes. “I feel much better. I think I can make it to the end of the day. You’ve got a new client coming in this afternoon. I want to make sure that they get the full experience. You know, doctor, secretary, thriving practice. Instead of you barely noticing someone walking in the door like you usually do if I’m gone.”

“It will be fine,” I huff out. “I promise I’ll leave the door open and I won’t forget that I’m supposed to be working and waiting on this…Kade Brooks,” I read the name off the file.

His eyebrows shoot up into his hairline. “Are you kidding? Are you talking about the football player for the Cheyenne Stallions? The best minor league around here?”

I chuckle and slap the folder against my thigh. “I’m gonna guess you’re a fan.”

“Since he got bumped down from the NFL. He’s like the best in the business. The only reason he got bumped down from the pros was because he is thirty-three. He’s getting up there and the team decided that they wanted to give some young quarterback a break. But he immediately got snapped up by Cheyenne.”

“Yeah, well. I’m sure that’s all well and good but I really don’t like sports guys. They tend to act like they’re too good for therapy.”

He nods and a smile tugs at his firm lips. “Yeah. Good luck. I heard he got suspended after he punched one of his teammates on the field.”

“I shouldn’t be discussing a patient with you and you know it.” I shoot him a look and he grins.

“Sorry, doc. I just can’t believe you’ve got Kade Brooks coming in and you don’t seem that excited at all. I mean…he’s the best quarterback out there bar none.”

“He would be if he’d quit getting in fights and all the other happy horse shit that football players seem to take as their due.”

“Come on. You don’t know him. He could have had a good reason.”

“There is no such thing as a good reason for violence.”

“Except that that’s how I make my living.”

I swing around and face the door, my head going back and back as I stare at the blond-haired man standing in the doorway.

“Wow!” Grey rasps out and I shoot him a peeved look. He immediately steps back and stops talking.

“You’re a bit early, Mr. Brooks.” He stalks closer and I feel a little flutter in my belly.Shit, dammit!

No good deed goes unpunished and I made space for this guy as a favor to a friend. A favor I’m sorely regretting. That little flutter is not good.

I hold out my hand and hope that being a professional is masking the shiver when he takes my hand in his.

I’ve been shaking hands all day and yet not once did I feel the arc of heat in my fingers, traveling all the way up my arms and making my heart skip a beat.

His bright blue eyes darken to navy and I know he felt it as well. Which is really fucking bad.

Grey clears his throat and I jump, shooting him a startled look. He waves his hand to my office and I groan.

My freaking secretary had to remind me to do my damn job.