Page 22 of Ruin Her

This wasn’t the time or the place to be having second thoughts.

This thing with Ellie was only supposed to be temporary. He didn’t expect to enjoy going home to her. When he had a really bad day at the office, he always burned his clothes and washed before going back to her. To just have a couple of minutes with her in his arms, it was a fucking dream come true.

He knew Raphael was right. He was on borrowed time the longer he kept her away from the life. There would come a time when he wouldn’t be able to protect her.

Chapter Seven

The house, no, the mansion was out of this world. Ellie struggled with her curiosity and her professional side as she looked at the beauty of the house she was about to serve in. It was rare for the restaurant to even offer these kinds of events, where they served dinner, but it was supposed to be such a big affair.

Giavanni was a well-to-do name, at least it was the one she’d heard people whispering about.

She wasn’t even supposed to be working. Antonio had called to cancel their date. They were supposed to go out dancing. He said something at work was keeping him and he would make it up to her on their next date.

Then she’d gotten a call from her boss. One of their waiters had stepped down, and he was wondering if she could fill in. Rather than stay in and think about missing Antonio, she decided to work.

She wasn’t dependent on her man being home for her to have a life. She and Antonio were close, closer than she had thought was possible. Even now, thinking of them as actually dating, putting a label on their relationship, it was amazing.

“I wouldn’t look so happy,” Louise, one of the servers said.

“I’m sorry. I’m in a new relationship.” She hadn’t gotten close to any of her colleagues. When they were working, there was no time for small talk.

“Well, you know what the Giavannis are all about. You need to keep your head bowed, focus on not fucking up when serving, and don’t draw attention to yourself. This isn’t my first time here, and believe me, if it wasn’t for the extra money, I wouldn’t do this.” Louise was a single mother.

“I don’t really understand. Is it because the Giavannis have a well-to-do name?”

One of the women snorted.

Louise looked at her like she had grown multiple heads. “Where do you live? I know you’ve worked in this city for a lot of years. How do you not know?”

“I don’t know what?” she asked.

“The Giavannis are mafia, Ellie. They own this city. The cops, all of it. No one can open up a business here without having to talk to the capo or the main boss. If you’re lucky, that is. People who step out against them often end up dead. They’re dangerous. I’m surprised you agreed to work tonight.”

“Wait, the mafia isn’t a real thing. I mean, come on, seriously. That’s all the movies, isn’t it?” She knew she sounded naïve, and now the waitresses who were nearby looked at her in amazement.

“Wow, I … wow,” Louise said. “If I were you, just act professional and don’t draw attention to yourself.”

The doors to the main dining room opened.

Ellie felt sick to her stomach. They were led out and were given their places where to stand. Louise bowed her head and followed everyone’s direction.

This wasn’t good. She knew it wasn’t. Taking a deep breath, she clenched her hands into fists.

The dining room was quiet. She heard noises in the distance and guests started to appear.

“Don’t listen either. Don’t do anything that could make them doubt you,” Louise said as a final whisper.

That was all.

The people at the party sat around the table.

“Let’s celebrate this union. My son, Raphael, and his new blushing bride, Isabella.” There was a round of applause.

“Drinks. Drinks.”

Ellie turned, as did all the waitresses. She noticed those next to a table had the silver serving jugs, to hand out drinks.

Each guest had a designated waitress. Leaning over the man she was due to serve, she smelled the scent that made her think of Antonio. Turning her head, she came face to face with him. She nearly spilled his drink but caught herself.

This was her Antonio, sitting at the Giavanni main table.

Sickness swirled within her.

The Giavannis who were also mafia people. They killed people.

Stepping away from the table, she was a master at professionalism and didn’t draw a single gaze her way. After putting the serving jug onto the table behind her, she stood and bowed her head.

Antonio was part of the mafia. She was reeling from the revelation. No, it couldn’t be true. None of it could be.

Feeling sick, she heard they were being served again. The doors opened and she walked into the kitchen.