I should be angry to be kept captive like his, but I was free for the most part aside from the very small detail that the king had seemingly claimed me for himself. That was a problem for another day.

For now, I just wanted to figure out everything there was to know about this mysterious little kingdom. It wasn’t on any maps I’d ever seen and I hadn’t heard about it in the news either. It was almost as if it didn’t exist, but here I was, naked in a bath preparing for dinner with its king.

It was all quite surreal.

Maria massaged conditioner into my hair next and I groaned, feeling shivers race down my spine.

“Please stand so I can wash the rest of your body,” she instructed, and I did as she asked, looking away as she soaped up a loofah. I turned and gave her my back, shivering just the slightest bit as she pressed it against my back. She was gentle as she scrubbed me, and I sucked in a breath as she made her way down toward my still sore backside. When she pressed the sponge against my tender flesh, I tried to hide how much it ached. She must have realized what happened though because the pressure lessened.

“The king is a stern man, but he is a fair one. He expects obedience, and when he doesn’t get it he deals out punishment,” she whispered.

“I gathered that this morning,” I answered carefully. I turned to face her, and she didn’t appear judgmental or aggravated with me, instead her eyes were warm and full of understanding.

“It’s going to be hard for you, but if anyone can handle him, I think you can,” she offered.

“What do you mean?”

Her face fell and she shook her head.

“I cannot say anymore. It is not my place, Miss Isabella,” she replied.

I wanted to question her further, but I decided not to. I needed an ally and it wouldn’t serve to alienate the only friendly face I’d come across so far.

“Don’t worry, Maria. You’ve been very helpful so far. It’s been hard waking up in a strange place and not knowing where you are or how things are done. I very much appreciate what you’ve told me about this place,” I offered, and I saw her visibly relax.

She carefully turned me around and started to wash the front of me, including my breasts and between my legs. Silently, she directed me to spread my thighs and I did so that I could make her job easier.

“The king has also requested that you are fully shaved for him. I will do that for you after you are fully bathed. After that is complete, we will dress you in your gown for the evening,” she said.

I swallowed carefully.

“Fully shaved?”

“Yes. Underarms. Legs. Between your thighs,” she said rather clinically.

I had always kept myself trimmed and I had never had anyone complain about it.

“I don’t think that’s necessary,” I replied.

“He said you might say that. If you won’t allow me to shave you, he said that he would spank you and then shave you himself,” she warned. I shivered.

“I understand,” I quickly answered. Having been a recipient of such a punishment so recently, I had no desire to repeat it any time soon. “You may shave me, Maria.”

“Good. I shave many of the ladies of the court on a regular basis, so you need not worry about my skill,” she offered, and I was marginally calmed by her words.

“This whole having people care for me is new. Thank you for being understanding,” I said quietly.

“It’s no problem, Miss Isabella,” she answered.

“You can call me Bella,” I said with a smile.

“I cannot!” she exclaimed. “The king would have my head!”

“Literally?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Surely she didn’t mean that.

“Well, no, I guess not really. There haven’t been any beheadings here since the dark ages, but the servant master would be none too pleased with me if he heard me call you that,” she explained.

“In private when it’s just the two of us, you may call me Bella, but only if you’re comfortable,” I said in response and she nodded.