Matteo took my arm in his, pulling me close as he walked into the room too. People moved aside for him, giving him a wide berth as he strode through. They also bowed their heads as we passed and some of them gave me a curious look at the fact that I was at his side. I was a strange face and they didn’t recognize me. There was one woman dressed in purple who met my eyes and I was taken aback by the vitriol in her stare. I didn’t have time to really study her though or ask who she was because the king pulled me along to a table up on a slightly raised platform at the front of the room. There were a few men and women already seated there and they rose to their feet when we approached.

“My king,” they all said respectfully, bowing their heads at the same time.

“My friends! It is good to see you!” Matteo bellowed, before taking the hand of the man to his right and shaking it vigorously.

“Isabella, this is Angelo. He holds the honor of the title Hand of the King, as well as Duke of Savoy. He’s practically my brother,” he added, while cocking his head in my direction.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I offered, mimicking the others with a small nod of my head and Angelo grinned widely.

“She’s just as pretty as you said she would be, my king,” he said, turning toward the king and disregarding my words to him. He didn’t even give me the courtesy of a response. I narrowed my eyes slightly and bit my tongue, figuring that this was probably the way things were in this mysterious isolated place.

“Indeed, she is,” Matteo replied. He guided me into my seat and pressed my shoulder softly, a silent indication for me to take my seat. Everyone else followed and I watched as a few additional stragglers made their way into the extravagant dining hall. A few women tried to be as quiet as they could be, but their heels clinked loudly against the tile until they found their seats. The king waited impatiently, looking out to the crowd. He picked up a heavy silver goblet full of red wine and took a sip, before he cleared his throat and the room quieted.

“I welcome you, the members of my court, to dinner. There will be much food and dancing and copious amounts of wine, so enjoy yourselves and may your goblets always be full. And if they aren’t, why the fuck not?”

His voice rang out loud and clear. When he finished speaking, the crowd roared in approval and laughter resounded all around me. Applause echoed throughout the room and the doors burst back open. A line of servants came in carrying platter after platter of food. There were enough of them to serve every table and place a plate in front of everyone in the room, which was impressive because there were at least two hundred people seated here already.

I peered down at the plate put in front of me, a decadent portion of cheeses, breads, and olives that made my mouth water. My stomach growled loudly, and I realized I hadn’t really eaten anything all day and was probably especially hungry after the memorable events of this morning. Carefully, I took the white linen napkin and put it in my lap, not wanting to sully the very expensive dress I was wearing at the king’s request. Matteo picked up a piece of mozzarella and popped it in his mouth, and I followed suit, humming with delight as the delicious flavors blossomed over my tongue. I chewed slowly, taking care to eat as politely as possible even though I was starving because I was sure people were watching.

A silver-lined wineglass was placed before me, filled with what appeared to be a full-bodied red. I pressed my fingers to the cloth napkin in my lap and picked up the wine, taking a small sip. This tasted expensive too.

“From my very own vineyard,” Matteo whispered. “A special cask I had opened for your official welcome to my castle.”

I blushed, not knowing what to say. Instead, his fingers picked up an olive off my plate and pressed it against my lips. I opened them and he put it on my tongue. It was a completely innocent act in front of all these people, yet it made me feel entirely naked as I sat right next to him. I squirmed a little and the plug shifted with me, reminding me quite thoroughly of its presence inside me.

I chewed and used my tongue to press the olive pit into the side of my cheek. When I finished, I opened my mouth and he reached in to take the seed from me. He placed it back onto the plate.

“You eat from my fingers so very prettily. I’m going to remember that,” he whispered, and I dipped my head as a flush crept over my cheeks.

Slowly, I finished the appetizer put in front of me. When Matteo finished his plate, the servants swept back in and cleared it all, before bringing in the next course for all of us to enjoy. I was quickly lost in delicious and expensive foods, enjoying the tastes of duck, quail, and a number of other meats and side dishes that I didn’t recognize, but ate anyway. The king watched me with a smile on his face.

“It’s nice to see a woman eat her fill for once, rather than just picking at a salad and worrying about the size of her waist,” he mused.

“I haven’t eaten anything all day. Someone kept me busy,” I sassed, and he smirked.

“True enough. I suspect you probably worked up an appetite by coming all over my cock, isn’t that right, baby girl?” he asked quietly while looking over the dining hall.

“Perhaps,” I answered, feeling my own lips draw up in amusement. My flush deepened even further.

“Sassy girl,” he chuckled.

“I have my moments,” I replied, sitting back and taking another sip of wine.

“Indeed,” he responded, and his eyes lit up dangerously. “Remember though, so do I,” he added darkly, and I gasped softly, trying to cover up the sound.

I chose to look away, as I tried to get my pussy to stop clenching at the sight of him. Out of the side of my eye, I saw him grin even wider. It was almost as if he knew, and I swallowed heavily, telling myself that I must be crazy to think of such a thing.

When I was finally full, I sat back and looked out around the room. Most of the attendees were laughing and smiling and joking with one another at their respective tables. I took in the gorgeously done up-dos and beautiful gowns. It felt like a dream and I wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was real.

I still wasn’t sure that it was.

I emptied the little that was left in my wineglass and then I turned my head and noticed that Maria was kneeling behind me. She stood up gracefully after she noticed me and grabbed a large silver jug. She took my goblet from me and filled it once more with dark red wine.

“Thank you, Maria,” I said softly, smiling back at her. It was nice to see a friendly face here and she grinned in return.

“Are you pleased with the servant assigned to you?” Matteo asked, noticing where my attention had been directed.

“I am. If you don’t mind, I’d like to keep her,” I answered thoughtfully, and he nodded.