He lifted me up off the floor into his arms and carried me to the front of the room, taking a step up onto the stage where the king’s table waited. I stared at the wooden piece of furniture, recalling that just a short time ago we had eaten dinner there and shared several intimate moments together even though the room had been crowded with so many others.

I had a feeling I was about to share so much more with the rest of his court and I wasn’t going to have the slightest choice about it.

He picked up a fabric napkin off the table and wiped the remainder of the wine from his face and chest. Then he pointed at a spot on the floor and instructed me to stand on top of it.

“You will wait here with your hands on the back of your head. I am going to talk to the cook so that he may fetch me a few things. If you move, not only are you going to get spanked, but my belt will whip between your pretty thighs too,” he warned.

“I won’t move, Your Majesty,” I whimpered, as I hesitantly put my hands behind my head.

“Good,” he answered firmly, and I could feel nervous butterflies catapulting inside my stomach.

“Where is the cook?” he called and a man in a chef’s uniform raced forward from some side hallway. I watched as he talked to the man, listing out a few things he needed as the chef nodded, rattling them off in return. I was far enough away that I couldn’t hear what was said, which made it ten times worse because I didn’t know what was about to happen.

I was left so unsure, nervous, and terribly aroused.

When he was finished speaking, the king returned, and the chef scuttled out of the room to retrieve whatever it was that the king wanted. I shifted from foot to foot, trying to reconcile with the growing ache of the plug in my bottom as well as the wetness that was gathering between my thighs.

I didn’t understand why my body was reacting this way. I was afraid to.

I met the king’s eyes as he strode back to me, trying to plea silently for mercy and finding none of it. He stood directly in front of me and grasped my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He took his thumb and ran it over my lower lip, growling low enough for only me to hear.

“This is going to be hard on you, baby girl, but you’re going to take all of it because you don’t have a choice. Isn’t that right,” he said softly.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” I whispered, unable to hide the tremble of fear in my voice. I looked out beyond him, realizing that the court had set up the room like a theater, lining up the chairs so that they all faced in our direction.

They were waiting and looked incredibly excited for my punishment by the king’s hand. I swallowed heavily.

I wasn’t quite sure if I was ready either, but it wasn’t up to me.

It was up to the king.

He walked back up onto the stage, reaching for me and dragging his knuckle along the edge of my chin. It was surprisingly tender, and I leaned into his touch. He smiled gently at me and when I looked more closely, I was surprised to see regret in his eyes. It was there for just a moment, passing quickly only to be replaced by a supreme confidence. I had a feeling whatever was about to happen was due to duty rather than a need to teach me a lesson.

I’d wronged the king in front of his people and now I was going to have to pay the price.

His fingers left me, and he pushed the table back himself. He grabbed a single straight-backed chair and placed it in the center of the stage. Then he sat down and held out his hand expectantly in my direction.

“Come here, baby girl,” he murmured. I reluctantly obeyed, feeling like every single step was bringing me closer and closer to my doom. When I reached him, he took my hand and carefully helped me over his thighs.

He’d told me I was going to get spanked. I expected this part. I anxiously hoped that was all I was going to have to endure.

I was wrong.

Matteo took my dress and leisurely pulled it up, revealing my nakedness to the crowd inch by painfully slow inch. My bottom clenched around the plug, already quite sore from having worn it for so long already.

“Look at this pretty little bottom hole, decorated so beautifully,” he mused, while gripping my cheeks with his hands and spreading me wide for everyone to see. I squeaked with embarrassment, trying to use my hands to push myself up off of his lap just as his arm looped around my waist. Caught up in my dress, I failed to escape his hold on me and growled with frustration. In response, he simply chuckled. It was as if he knew just how much more powerful he was than me right now.

He sounded far too confident and that made me nervous.

“Feisty girl. I see I’m going to have to do something about that,” he said darkly in return and I shivered hard. He palmed my ass and his fingers delved between my bottom cheeks, pressing on top of the jeweled end of the plug. I gasped as he took the end in his fingers, pushing it up and down. He stretched my already sore little hole and punished it with the plug, popping it in and out of me over and over again. I couldn’t forget how everyone was watching this happen and I gasped with mortification. At first, I fought him, but as he continued to fuck me with it, I became more and more sore. When I finally stopped trying to fight him, his movements slowed and started to feel pleasurable rather than punishing, which left me reeling with aroused confusion.

“That’s a good girl,” he said softly, and I moaned as those same fingers dipped between my thighs. “You’re soaking wet for me,” he announced, and I shuddered with shame, trying so very hard to keep myself from moaning as he circled my aching clit with his fingertips. It felt so good when he touched me this way and I hoped that he wouldn’t stop even though I knew I was being watched.

He did though and a hush fell over the crowd when his fingers left me.

“Bad little girls who disrespect their kings are dealt with very harshly in my kingdom, isn’t that right, my noble court?”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the court replied in unison.