I didn’t answer.

For a while longer, she was quiet, processing the events of the entire day. I imagined she’d never met a man like me, one who wouldn’t hesitate to put her over his knee to remind her of her place and to show her that even though she was a strong independent woman, she wasn’t always in control.

I knew what she was struggling with. She didn’t understand why she wanted it too. She couldn’t explain why her little pussy was soaked every time I spanked her or made her blush or put her on shameful display.

“Would you like a bath, baby girl?” I asked then.

She nodded into my shoulder and I lifted her up, walking into the oversized attached bathroom. I started the water and poured in a number of different oils. When it was ready, I sat her carefully on the edge before I removed my own clothes and climbed in with her. She didn’t protest and I was silently proud of her for not fighting me.

I simply wanted her in my arms. I wanted to hold her tight and let her know that no matter what, I was always going to be there for her.

I took a washcloth and gently washed my seed from her face. After that, I ran it up and down her body, taking care to not press too hard because I was sure that she was more than sore. She was compliant and when I was done, I wrapped my arms back around her and held her for a while longer.

“How do you feel, baby girl?” I asked.

“I feel small. Punished,” she answered. For a moment, she was quiet. “But satisfied,” she added. “I’ve never met someone like you before.”

“I know, sweet girl,” I murmured, brushing wet locks of hair out of her face.

“I can’t believe you spanked me. Twice,” she said, a bit more boldly now.

“You were naughty, and in my world, naughty little girls are stripped bare and spanked,” I replied, watching as her cheeks blushed bright red.

“That’s ridiculous,” she scoffed.

“It isn’t, baby girl, because even though you protest, your pretty little pussy was soaking wet for me, wasn’t it?”

I took her nipple between my fingers, capturing it in warning as I waited for her response. I tightened my grip just a little as she hesitated to answer. She finally opened her mouth.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” she whimpered. I released her nipple and she sighed with relief.

“Good girl,” I whispered, and I felt her shiver against me. She liked when I called her that. I’d make a point to remember that too.

I gently finished bathing her. I shampooed and conditioned her beautiful hair and when I was done, I quickly washed myself before picking her up and wrapping her gently in an oversized towel. I grabbed one myself and pulled her back into my arms. She didn’t protest as I strode back over to the bed. I dried her off gently, then myself, before I tucked her under the covers with me.

“I don’t want to go to bed,” she protested, but even as she did, she fought off a yawn. I knew what she was doing. She felt like she needed to fight me at least a little and I would allow that when she was here with me alone.

“It’s time for you to get some rest, baby girl. You’re going to go to bed for me because you need it and I decided that you should. Do you understand?” I pressed.

“But—” she started, and I cut her off.

“If you don’t at least close your eyes and try, you’re going to get another spanking in the morning when we wake, do you want that?”

“No,” she answered quietly.

“Then close your eyes and try for me, baby girl,” I coaxed.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” she answered. She finally obeyed and closed her eyes.

I kissed the top of her head, feeling her muscles relax just as exhaustion took over. She was probably already asleep.

“I’ve looked for you a very long time, princess. I’m so glad that I finally found you,” I whispered.

One day, I would tell her the truth about who she was. Maybe tomorrow or someday soon.

Then she would truly understand why I’d rescued her, and why I wanted to make her mine.

Chapter Seven