Those orgasms were intense. He pinned me and forced me to take every last orgasm that he demanded of me. I gave him all of me that night and enjoyed it for what it was. It was my way of saying goodbye.

I couldn’t have kept count of how many orgasms he pulled from my body even if I had tried, but by the time he was through with me, I was a very well satisfied, wet little mess. When he pulled his fingers from me, I sighed with my sated pleasure, lying languidly over his thighs as he petted the flesh he had just spanked so harshly.

“Are you ready for bed now?” he asked.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” I purred.

He lifted me off his lap and placed me back on the bed. I cried out softly when my spanked thighs pressed against the mattress. He’d left me quite sore and I silently hoped that I would be able to see the marks of his fingers on my legs when the sun rose once again. He tucked me in, and I placed my cheek on the pillow, reaching back and feeling the heat coming off my skin.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“You needed that, didn’t you?” he asked, and I hummed quietly in response.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” I answered, and he smiled softly.

“Sleep well, baby girl. I’ll see you in the morning,” he whispered. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Your Majesty,” I replied quietly. For a moment, I fought back tears.

I heard him leave the room and I sighed. I took several minutes to gather myself, allowing my heart to slow down and the pleasure that was coursing through my veins to gradually abate. I reveled in those feeling, taking every last moment to remember how his touch felt on my skin. I turned my head to the side, seeing that it was shortly after midnight now. I sighed, knowing that I had to decide what to do next.

I stared up at the ceiling. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my old life. I wasn’t ready to accept my life in the mountains. I wasn’t ready to be queen.

It was time to move on.

I climbed out of bed and padded into the closet. I found a pair of dark jeans, a dark long-sleeve shirt, and a thick coat. I pulled on socks and a pair of black boots. Everything was perfectly measured to my size and I was thankful for the work his people put into finding clothes that fit me. I also found a leather bag and I shrugged it over my head so that it slung across my waist. I packed a few changes of underwear and a few additional layers in case it got cold as I made my way away from the kingdom of Santaro.

When I was through, I tested the door handle, finding it unlocked. I slipped through the hallways, disappearing through the king’s own back entrance. I found a pantry along the way and stuffed a number of dried meats, fruits, and snacks inside the bag as well, before I finally made my way outside of the castle.

The roads were silent, lit only by dim streetlamps that flickered in the night. They provided lights in the shadows, but not by much. I quickly slipped down the cobbled road, making my way back toward the meadow that Matteo had shown me. I was thankful for the light of the moon that gave me some brightness along the way.

Once I made it through the wildflowers, I found a path that wasn’t well used on the other side. I walked along it, remembering how the sky had lit up with the brilliant colors of the setting sun. I traversed down the path for some time until the only thing that surrounded me was the sounds of wildlife and crickets chirping in the night.

The stars above were peaceful and I found myself staring at them for a time. I’d never seen them so bright before.

I walked for at least two hours into the mountains before I entered a small clearing. My eyes were turned toward the ground and I was startled by the sound of a man clearing his throat. I lifted my head and gasped with shock.

Matteo was leaning against a rock, lit by the moon in a way that I almost thought he was a ghost. I didn’t say a word, too surprised by his presence that I couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Did you miss me, baby girl?” he murmured. I wasn’t certain if he was angry by his tone, but I was quite anxious that he would punish me for trying to escape without telling him. He cocked his head to the side though, waiting for me to answer him.

Instead, I just stared at him.

“I see you found the way out of the valley,” he pressed.

I swallowed heavily, my gaze dropping to his oversized palms. My bottom still stung from my bedtime spanking and I had a feeling I was going to feel them again before the night was over. Almost as if he knew, he picked up a stick from the ground and swung it through the air. The swishing sound was terribly loud in the silence and a nervous shiver raced down my spine. Was he going to punish me with it?

But then, he flung it aside and I watched it drop to the ground.

“I have to go,” I finally managed to whisper.

“I know,” he answered. “But that doesn’t mean I will let you.”

I tensed, raising my lip in defiance. He didn’t make a move toward me and I flicked my eyes down the path, trying to weigh my options. I could run and he’d probably catch me, but I was small and fast. I’d always enjoyed running and was quite energized now. I was pretty sure that I could outrun him.

My escape could be successful, or it might not be. I chewed my lip, trying to decide.

I could turn around and go back to the castle. He might join me, and he would probably punish me. There was no doubt in my mind that it would hurt too.