“I said, hey there,” he repeated, taking the seat across from me even though he hadn’t been invited to sit with me. Oh, yeah. He was God’s gift alright.

The slight irritation I was feeling at being disturbed from my thought amplified to a much greater annoyance. I glared at him for a long moment before I said anything at all.

“Can I help you?” I asked with as much displeasure as I could paint in my voice. I thought it might scare him off, but it didn’t. In fact, he seemed even more interested than before.

“I’d like to buy you another coffee,” he offered.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I have to get back to work, so the one I have is all I need,” I answered coldly. I didn’t really have to go back to work, but I didn’t want him to know that.

“What about dinner? Can I take you out tonight?” he pressed.

“I have plans,” I answered, continuing to lie.

“Come on, baby girl. Throw me a bone,” he insisted. I stiffened. He didn’t get to call me that. There was only one man in the world who could, and this dude wasn’t him.

Bastard. I wanted to punch him square in the nose. I wanted to see him bleed.

“Please leave,” I sneered, furious that he had the balls to refer to me that way.

“Just a drink and we’ll see where the night takes us,” he pressured.

“Listen, you fucking pompous prick of an asshole, I said no, and I meant it. Let me tell you what happened to the last man that wouldn’t take no for an answer from me. I kicked him out of a penthouse window thirty-five stories high, dude, so it you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave me the fuck alone,” I said, unable to keep myself from snapping.

He stood up hastily and moved toward me, almost as if he wanted to strike me for my audaciousness, but a man at a nearby table wearing a finely pressed suit strode our way. I didn’t even flinch. The man in the suit was much bigger than the scrawny dude who wouldn’t take no for an answer. I had also known that he was there.

“The lady would like to be left alone,” the man said loudly in the direction of the man hitting on me. I didn’t know who the man in the suit was, but he’d been following me for weeks. I could only assume that Matteo had hired a protective detail to watch over me.

The man who had been trying to pressure me on a date finally let up, raising his hands in surrender as he backed away. I glared at his back as he scuttled off in retreat, my feelings of annoyance not fading in the slightest even though he’d finally left me alone.

To be honest, I was annoyed with everything and everyone.

I knew why too. I was frustrated and it was making me cranky.

There was no one out there who could please me like the king. Not a single man out there made both my heart and my pussy throb with need like he had. I was aggravated that he had such a strong effect on me, and I was more than irritated by the fact that even with my own toys, no one could make me orgasm like he had. Or smile. Or laugh. Or even cry.

I sipped at my coffee, feeling miserable and alone and so very unsatisfied.

I swallowed, thinking back to the day I had woken up in his bed and hadn’t known where I was. I remembered meeting him for the first time, how he had bared me and spanked me when I protested and how he’d thrown me over the windowsill, putting me on display while he fucked me hard and put his finger in my bottom while everyone was watching.

My body heated at the memory and my annoyance grew tenfold. Why was I like this? What was wrong with me that I wanted to be treated like that? And why did I want him to do it again?

I was wet for him. No, that was a lie. My panties were soaked, and I could feel it as I sat there all alone in the café. Every time I thought about him, the wet spot in the seat of my underwear grew larger, and no matter how many times I brought myself to orgasm thinking about him, it never left me feeling satisfied. It was never enough. I was always left wanting and unsatisfied, craving his touch on my skin instead of my own.

I recalled my public punishment before the court. He’d ripped my gown apart, spanked me, strapped me, and punished my most sensitive places with ginger. He’d forced me to orgasm that way. I trembled as I thought about it, craving the feeling of his thick cock between my thighs as he reminded me that I was his. My pussy tightened, remembering how it felt.

Then there was that time in the lingerie store. Or the night before I’d left the castle for good.

I tried to think about other things, but it was impossible. Every evening, I came to this little café and ordered a latte. For hours, I sat there alone and thought about the life I’d turned my back on. The life I’d said no to when I shouldn’t have.

I sighed.

I was so annoyed with myself for wanting what he offered.

I wanted more. I’d fantasized about the things he had done to me more times than I could count, and it didn’t stop there. I’d imagined the things he could do to me, like how it would feel when his cock breached my bottom hole for the very first time.

I stared at my phone on the table, silent and unassuming.

The code he’d given me flashed in my mind, a promise that he’d come for me if I asked. It was the ultimate temptation that I could utilize to return to his arms once and for all.