His cock was throbbing with his own desir

e and my mouth watered for it. I could feel it pressing up against me through the fabric of his pants.

I wanted to be fucked. I needed it. I’d suffered for so long and now I just wanted to ride his cock with wild abandon. Arching my back, I rubbed myself against him and he groaned softly in approval.

“That’s a good girl,” he murmured, and my heart lit up with hope.

I gave in. I said the words he wanted to hear.

“Please. Just fuck me already,” I begged. He pulled me in closely, peppering soft wet kisses along my throat, and I moaned quietly. My pussy convulsed with excitement, the chilled breeze racing through the trees igniting gooseflesh all over my skin. I felt my arousal grow and it spiraled out of control. I could focus on nothing else.

So hot. So needy. I craved release.

“Please,” I pleaded.

He lifted his arm, making a come-hither motion with one finger, and I watched with fascination as the amulet hovered toward us. He caught it and held it before me.

“Take it,” he murmured. “And tell me what you see.”

I lifted my palms and took the amulet from him, just as he pressed his lips against the birthmark on the back on my shoulder.

My world exploded with a bright red light and my eyes rolled back into my head. Ancient magic hurtled through my body, forcing me to tremble and cower in its wake. My mind fractured, my walls caved in, and something deep inside me came rushing forth.

My true self.

For a period of time, Ruby the demon hunter was gone. In her place was someone entirely different. I was no longer me. Memories of my former life faded away, until there was nothing left.

My vision wavered and suddenly it was as though I was in another place and another time. Cain and I sat together on a throne made from silver and gold, as well as countless priceless gemstones. He held my hand and I could see our power crackling together as one.

Both of our eyes were blood red.

All around us were people worshipping us at our feet. Offering goblets of wine and blood, as well as untold amounts of silver and gold. A beautiful blonde woman walked up to me, completely naked, and she knelt before me. She turned her head and pushed her hair aside, offering her throat to me.

I shivered. She wanted me to bite her. And I wanted to. I could see the vein in her throat throbbing with blood and I licked my lips.

My teeth were sharp. I’d soon be a vampire too.

“I see me,” I answered. “I see us.”

“That’s our future, little hunter. Should you choose it,” he began.

The sharp pointed ends of his teeth pressed against the edges of my birthmark and I gasped at the exquisite pain that blossomed across my flesh. I turned my head and kissed his shoulder.

“Why all of this? Why didn’t you just force me to submit and show me what could be?”

“You bear the mark of Cain, little hunter. Do you know what that means?” he asked.

“No,” I replied, shaking my head. What he said puzzled me.

“It means you are special. Had I broken you completely or even killed you like I had planned, the damage I imposed on you would have rebounded on me seven-fold. Instead, I devised a different plan, one where I would conquer your every desire once and for all without destroying what you were. Then, I’d be able to give you the world,” he answered.

“Explain,” I answered, the pleasurable pulses racing through my body dulling my confusion.

“A long time ago, I had the good fortune to come across an ancient shaman, one that had a strong connection to the fallen angel, Lucifer. She foretold that there would only be one woman in existence that would bear such a mark, that it was a mark indicative of the seventh gate created just for me by the devil himself. If I found her and turned her, she’d gift me with unimaginable power, allowing me to rule over the world of the living with her, just as Lucifer ruled over the world of the dead. I searched for years, finding nothing, and eventually I decided that her words were just the mad ravings of a lunatic. I had given up looking for the woman that would bear such a mark long ago, but here you are, naked, beautiful, and more than worth the challenge of taming you,” he answered.

My old self drifted away, leaving a new woman that grasped to take hold. The magic of the amulet swirled all around me, a magical red aura that touched my skin, caressing me, comforting me, and I lifted the relic up. I stared at it, studying the beautiful gemstone that had held such incredible power inside it. It had changed me.

I wasn’t Ruby. I was someone else completely. The amulet had awoken her and now she was here to stay.