Even through all this, I was aroused. I kept finding myself thinking about how Cain’s cock had felt inside my pussy. I blushed just thinking about how his cock had taken my bottom after that. I blushed even harder when I finally admitted to myself that I had liked it and that I wouldn’t mind if it happened again.

I was literally going insane.

I left my apartment and went out for a walk. The sun was beginning to set, and the sky glowed with deep reds and fiery oranges. I absentmindedly wondered if I would be able to walk in direct sunlight but by the time I walked out onto the street, the sun had disappeared, and the first stars were twinkling above me high in the sky. For now, it would remain a mystery.

I’d have to see if I could tomorrow. That is, if I was still alive.

I strolled along the streets of the city for hours, winding between high-rises and retail stores and restaurants, just observing the people walking by. The noise of the urban sprawl surrounded me, but I didn’t hear a single thing. For me, there was silence and contemplation.

I didn’t want to die, but I didn’t want to become a vampire even more than that.

With every step, I very slowly accepted that my life was soon to end. I’d done what I had needed to do. I had saved countless people by killing a great deal of monsters. I had helped all of them survive and continue on to live their lives. The Demon Hunters would continue on without me and train someone new to take my place, just as they always did when they suffered a loss. In preparation for my own end, I would prepare a journal and mail it directly to Logan that detailed everything I had learned about the original vampire, Cain.

And I meant everything, no matter how much it shamed me to write it down on paper.

I licked my lips and turned my head, looking down a dark alley.

It was time to go back home and start writing.

A shrill scream broke me out of the silence of my thoughts. My hands rose to cover my ears, the sound suddenly too loud to bear. I wasn’t sure if my hearing had grown more acute, but when I heard the woman scream in terror once more, I felt myself go on high alert. The hair rose on my arms and a vicious agitation ripped right through me. What if someone was in danger? What if she was under attack by a vampire or by a creature even worse than that?

I tore down the alley at a full sprint. When I turned the corner, I saw a very large man against a brick wall. The woman screamed again, and I realized he wasn’t alone. In fact, he had a woman in front of him and he was holding her by the back of her neck, forcing her chest against the bricks. He shoved her jeans down her hips. He was going to rape her.

When she screamed again, he clocked the back of her head hard with his fist and she cried out in pain. Her forehead cracked sickeningly against the brick wall and my stomach fell. He was going to kill her if this continued any further. I had to stop it.

I was trained to fight monsters and all manner of demons, but this was a human.

This was a human attacking another human.

I’d never intervened in a situation like this. It wasn’t the way of the Demon Hunters, but I couldn’t bring myself to turn away.

With vicious intensity, a ruthless fury blazed to life inside me. My emotions heightened, I found myself powerless to fight it and a ferocious snarl escaped my lips. The large man stilled and turned his head slightly in my direction. He was aware that he was no longer alone now.

I cracked my knuckles and stretched my neck back and forth, preparing for the inevitable fight to come. When he crooked his head completely in my direction, he chuckled when he saw me.

“Well, you’re a pretty one. It must be my lucky night because now I get to choose between the two of you,” he grumbled excitedly, and he tightened his grip on the blonde woman’s neck. She whimpered and my anger grew even stronger.

“Let her go,” I demanded.

“Why do that, when I can have you both?” he countered with a shit-eating grin of self-assured arrogance.

“Because I fucking said so,” I snapped.

“And who made you the fucking boss?” he snorted with amusement. He still thought he had the upper hand. He was about to find out that he was very wrong.

“I did,” I answered furiously. My blood was pounding beneath my skin. My heart was pumping faster than it ever had and for the first time in a while, I felt completely alive. A fierce streak of excitement coursed through me and I took a step toward the man. Boldly, I took another, and I grinned when he faltered just the slightest bit. He hadn’t expected my brazen challenge, not in the slightest. My teeth lengthened all of a sudden and I could feel their sharp edges pinching at my lips. The large man finally released the woman and she took one look at the two of us before she rushed to adjust her clothing back into place and dashed away as quickly as she could.

I watched her run away, ensuring that she escaped before I did anything else. I swallowed heavily, stilling as I struggled with that never-ending ache in my throat. I’d seen the blood dripping down her face and now I was staring at the small drops that had peppered onto the pavement beneath her.

My thirst became even more ravenous. I needed to feed.

He turned toward me and I realized what was happening.

I was the hunter. He was my prey.

I could hear the sound of his blood pumping beneath his skin. It sounded like a hypnotizing drumbeat. It called for me with every deafening pump and I was starving for it. My eyes slipped down to his throat and I could see the telltale and entirely too tempting vein that I wanted to bite into so very badly. I squeezed my own hands into tight little fists, feeling my nails bite into my palms, but the more I stared at that gorgeous vessel, the more I yearned to take it for myself.

This man wasn’t a good man. He was going to rape that woman and he’d probably have done worse. He would have killed her after he was done. There was nothing stopping him from doing it again either.