“No,” he answered simply.

A strange magical energy surrounded my wrist. It felt like a thick rope, except I couldn’t see anything at all. I tried to move my captured hand and I found that I couldn’t. He did the same to my other wrist, before he kicked open my legs once more and bound my feet to the ground with the same powerful bindings.

Bent over. Legs spread. On display.

I knew I was wet, and I knew he could see it. He’d touched it before and now I was even more soaked now that I had been bound and threatened with punishment. My pussy clenched hard as I thought about the innocuous piece of leather in his hands and how I would be feeling it across my bottom very soon.

I laid my cheek against the brick wall, turning my head in his direction as much as I could. He moved closer to me so that I could see him in the moonlight.

“Have you ever felt a belt on your very naked and very wet little pussy?” he asked next and I couldn’t help myself as I cried out with dismay.

“No,” I squeaked.

“You will tonight,” he warned, and I sucked in an anxious breath.

“I had simply intended to remind you that you were mine tonight, but now that you’ve been disobedient, I’m going to have to punish you. You will learn that I’m not gentle, that it’s going to hurt and that even those pretty little tears won’t stop you

r punishment until I’m convinced that you will never disobey me again,” he said softly, but each and every word struck me deep in my core. A strange sense of foreboding came over me.

In all my years fighting monsters, I had never been afraid.

Tonight though, I was scared. I was aroused. I was a monster now myself, only a much more powerful one had claimed me as his. And now that very same beast was going to whip my naked backside with his belt because I’d fought back against him.

The moon-shaped mark on my shoulder pulsed several times and a rush of liquid heat gathered between my thighs. A surge of arousal raced through me and I found that I was powerless against it. I tested the bonds holding me captive once more, but they didn’t give, and that made me even wetter.

What the fuck was happening to me?

My body tingled with mystical energy. It called for him. It also called for his belt.

It hung from his fingers, folded in half. I stared at it, hypnotized by the sight of it.

His other hand reached for me and lifted my chin, forcing me to meet those perilous red eyes of his. He looked down at me for a long moment, desire and hunger evident in that dark gaze, before he released me and cleared his throat.

“You’re mine, Ruby, and now I aim to ensure that you never forget that,” he murmured and my pussy clenched hard as he lifted his arm. I heard the sound of the belt cutting through the air, a terrifying swishing sound that ended with a terrible crack as it whipped against my bared backside for the first time. It echoed off the surrounding buildings like a gunshot. Anyone nearby would be able to hear each and every lash of the belt as it taught me a very painful lesson.

I cried out at the humiliatingly public nature of it.

It took a second for the line of fire to blaze to life. As it started to burn, a soft cry escaped my lips. He whipped the belt through the air a second time and as it lashed my bottom, I whimpered. It hurt. Fuck. It hurt so much.

The leather was soft and very well worn in. Its leather hide curved and cut into my flesh with vigor and I cried out as it fell on my naked ass, again and again. I could feel every welt rising on my skin. He placed his hand on my lower back and even though he was the one whipping me, his touch brought me comfort.

I couldn’t move my hands and feet, not even just a little. I felt so incredibly vulnerable and helpless as he whipped me. This wasn’t going to stop until he was satisfied. Nothing I said or did was going to end this.

The belt branded my naked backside and the backs of my thighs. I cried out from the terrible agony that brewed across my skin with each welt, painful lines of fire that burned hot long after they were branded into my flesh. He was ruthless, his punishment sure and swift. I took it all because I didn’t have a choice.

I had lost in the fight against him. I’d refused to give into him, and I’d defied him at every turn. This was the result. I was getting spanked with a belt, just like a naughty little girl and I was so deeply ashamed that even though it hurt, my pussy was growing wetter, my need to fuck him was growing tenfold, and I couldn’t decide if I wanted it to stop or to keep going.

The belt licked against my bare bottom, over and over. Sometimes, he punished the top of my ass and other times the belt lashed between my thighs, just catching the folds of my pussy and causing a burning blaze of agony to lance across my wetness. Each time that happened, I screamed and choked back a sob.

Oh, God. It hurt.

I squeezed my eyes shut, but I felt my breath hitch in my throat at his ruthless punishment. I tried to swallow my cries, but it soon became too much for me to bear. As a last-ditch attempt to avoid the lash, I twisted my hips from side to side. His aim was true every time though and as I moved, the belt licked my pussy again.

I cried out.

That single burst of agony tore me apart and I couldn’t contain myself anymore. I started to cry. One tear rolled down my cheeks, followed by another and another, until I was sobbing. I started to beg. I pleaded forgiveness. I promised to do whatever he wanted, anything to get the belt to stop falling.

Instead, the belt whipped up between my legs, the leather slapping flat on my folds.