atter of time.”

My upper lip rolled. Furious anger raged on inside me, uncontained and uncontrollable.

“I won’t,” I replied.

His eyes burned into me and my pussy quivered, almost as though he had a direct tether to the most sensitive places of my body. My nipples hardened under his glare and I suddenly wished for his fingers to return to them, to pinch and twist them before they descended down in between my thighs.

Fuck. I had to get away from him. When I was around him, I couldn’t think clearly. I felt the pull toward him and the only thing I wanted to do was take his cock deep inside me in whatever hole he desired.

He stared at me almost as if he knew exactly what I was thinking and I hated him for it, but that did nothing to quell the need to fuck him once more and it didn’t do a damn thing to quiet the incessant pulsing between my legs.

I had to get out of here. I needed to run.

He knew what I was going to do.

“No matter how many times you run from me, Ruby, I will always find you. You’re bonded to me now and as much as you try to deny it, I will show you that simple fact as many times as you need. Naked. Marked. On your knees with pretty little tears dripping down your cheeks,” he warned.

I ignored him. With a simple wave of my hand, my dress appeared back on my body, covering up my nakedness once and for all. Using a pillow of air, I lifted the backpack full of blood bags and took it back into my possession.

“You can run, Ruby, but you can’t hide. I will find you and next time, I won’t be nearly as gentle,” he threatened.

I flipped him off.

His expression hardened.

I swung my arms up and released my magic all at once, instinctively using my powers to open a portal to literally anywhere else just to escape him.

I ended up in another world where humans weren’t welcome. I ended up just outside the jaws of hell.

Countless numbers of demons turned their heads toward me.

And then they all fell to their knees. For me.

* * *

I was welcomed with open arms.

Inadvertently, I’d discovered a place that the human world wasn’t even aware existed. The demons and monsters that populated this great city lived their lives without human intervention. Above us was the world of humanity in their sprawling urban cities, living completely unaware of our presence as they slept in their beds. Even the Demon Hunters had never known this place flourished right beneath their feet.

The beasts that lived here called it the Hellmouth.

It was to become my kingdom. When I arrived, they had called me their queen and I hadn’t fought them. They had knelt before me. They’d spoiled me with fresh blood, always served to me inside heavy metal goblets decorated with the most beautiful rubies I had ever seen. I had no idea who the source was or what had happened to the human sources, but I didn’t ask questions because I didn’t want to know the answers.

Vampires primarily served me, but there were a fair number of other monster species allowed to be in my presence. There were night fae, goblins, trolls, werewolves, and a great many that I didn’t recognize. They all treated me with reverence, and I began feel comfortable in their company. I began to feel safe. Protected even.

They’d made me royalty. They recognized my power and bowed to me because of it. I was sired by a vampire older than time itself and that made me the most powerful demon outside of the devil. And Cain.

I began to plan my next move. I knew Cain was going to come for me and nothing I could do would be able to stop him. I would have to figure out a way to fight back against him without being able to actually hurt him.

Somehow, I had to figure out a way to make him weak.

First though, I started to prepare my own army. If Cain was going to come for me, he was going to have to fight his way through to me. And he’d have to shed some of his own blood to do it.

I spent an inordinate amount of time training side by side with the other vampires, learning how to use my speed and heightened abilities to my advantage. I excelled, already having a solid base from my days with the Demon Hunters. Eventually, I learned enough to best each and every demon that fought me, but I didn’t stop training. I wasn’t going to be overconfident in my fight against Cain.

There was always more to learn, and I was never going to stop.

As much as I trained though, I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to hurt him. My mark would prevent it. I’d tried to punch him, and the resulting pain had been excruciating. I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to cut or maim him, but I didn’t want to find out how much worse that felt. I had to figure out another way to contain him and that’s when I started to ask questions.