The squeal of the door opening outside of my cell made me lift my head. A single large male figure moved inside toward me. He was hooded in a black cape that just brushed the ground, made of what appeared to be expensive black silk fabric. I gritted my teeth and steeled myself for whatever torture was about to come. But he stopped and stood just outside the bars, maybe six feet away from me and just stared in my direction for a long few minutes. It was deeply unsettling, and I swallowed anxiously as I waited for what would come next.

In the dim light, I could hardly make out his features, but something about his presence made my stomach churn with anxiety. He felt powerful, like someone who was used to giving orders and receiving instant obedience. I worried my bottom lip as he finally moved and opened the door to my cell, making his way into my prison with me.

“Stand up,” he ordered. His tone was strong, determined, and held an air of confidence that was really quite frightening. His voice sounded familiar, but in my current state of exhaustion, I was having trouble connecting the dots.

I didn’t obey. Not at first. I expected him to hit me, but he didn’t. Instead, he just waited and in the low light, I caught just a glimpse of a flash of dark red eyes. Vampire.

He said it again and still I ignored him.

A long moment of silence passed between us before he sighed with disappointment.

“I can force you, but I promise you it won’t be pleasant,” he said softly, the threat in his tone blatantly obvious. The air crackled with his power, tiny red bolts of lightning emanating from his fingertips. I finally realized why his voice sounded vaguely familiar.

“Cain,” I whispered, understanding dawning over me. His voice was the same as before, but this was a different body. This wasn’t a possession any longer. This was his true form.

He didn’t answer, but I knew my assertion was correct. I lowered my gaze and finally stood up, figuring that I would give in to him until I could understand more about his powers and capabilities. He lifted his arm toward me, and I flinched, just before his bare skin caressed mine. His fingers grazed across the nakedness of my arms, just glancing upon the fabric of my t-shirt before he took my wrists and held them behind my back. He spoke a low chant that sounded like Latin under his breath and I felt his magic form a rope around my wrists. I knew that my arms would stay bound indefinitely, holding me prisoner until he decided to release me. He turned me toward him and traced his palm up my neck until it rested beneath my chin. I could feel his power crackling just under my skin and I licked my lips nervously.

“Such a pretty face on such a destructive little package,” he mused, his blazing eyes staring down into mine. I tensed, but he dropped his hand into his pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a thick black leather band. He lifted it to my throat and clipped it into place. It was then I realized it was a collar. I could feel his power through it and knew it was endowed with his magic. Cold fear brewed in the pit of my belly.

He took another length of black leather from his belt and fastened it to the collar around my throat.

“You can’t leash me like a dog,” I snapped, and he ignored my outburst.

“Come along. I have plans for you,” he said.

“What the fuck does that mean?” I retorted, but he didn’t answer. Instead, he turned away and roughly pulled me along after him. Initially, I stumbled but eventually found my footing as I fumbled along behind him. He led me out of my cell and into the dark dungeons, through the piercingly noisy catcalls from the other prisoners. When extended hands from the cells threatened to touch me, he pulled me back and kept me safe from their reach. Even though I was terrified, I was grateful for that small kindness.

Eventually, I followed him up a flight of stairs out of the prison. He closed the door behind us and led me up a few more stairwells before we made our way out onto the ground floor of what appeared to be a mansion of sorts. I looked around, taking in a grand foyer with a massive chandelier made of what appeared to be a thousand brightly burning candles. The walls were lined with thick, dark wooden beams and painted in a shadowy gray color. A grand stairway climbed up either side and a rich red plush carpet ran the length of the room. Expensive-looking hardwood floors gave the room a rather opulent feel.

“Where are we?” I finally whispered as I let out a nervous breath.

“You’re a guest in my home, Ruby,” he answered.

I looked out the front windows and saw nothing but woods beyond. Wherever we were, it was far away from my home and I probably wouldn’t find my way away from here, at least without help. Sadness permeated through my heart as I reluctantly said goodbye to my former life. In all likelihood, I’d probably die here by this man’s hand. I’d fought against his plans. Killed demons he had risen. I was his enemy and I had a distinct feeling that I was soon going to pay for it all.

I shivered and returned my eyes back to the floor when he began moving again. He led me up the grand staircase and down a long hallway into a room at the end of it. When I finally dared to lift my head, I realized he’d brought me into a rather luxurious bedchamber. A massive king-sized bed sat in the center of the room up against the back wall. The walls were draped with crushed red velvet fabric and gold filigree laid into wooden beams spaced at even intervals throughout the room. Comfortable-looking couches and a large mahogany desk lined the other walls. He paused and shrugged off his hooded cape, hanging it on a hook beside the door.

“It has come to my attention that you’ve been making trouble for me for quite some time and I cannot allow it any longer, Ruby,” Cain began, and he turned to me. I lifted my head and for the first time since I’d left my cell, I got a really good look at him.

His skin was like pale alabaster, with only the slightest hint of color. His eyes shone a deep blood red, flecked with gray and black that spoke of how ancient he really was. His lips were set in a firm line, but that’s where my expectations ended, and my surprise at his appearance began.

Dressed in a finely pressed suit, he looked like a businessman in his early forties. His jaw was lined with the dark hint of stubble, just enough to make him look dignified and defined. The top of his head was covered in dark hair, thick and purposefully messy, but it only served to make him an even finer male specimen. If I had run into him in normal life, I would have thought him attractive.

My body pulsed with unwelcome desire and I stilled in surprise. I drew in a startled breath.

No. That couldn’t be right. I wouldn’t accept that.

His eyebrows lowered in suspicion and his eyes darkened ominously. Then his lips curled up in a grin, highlighting his high cheekbones and angular jawline. It was almost like he knew that I’d enjoyed the sight of his appearance, that somewhere deep inside me was desire that was directed at him. Quickly, I steeled myself against that feeling, resolving to never let it happen again.

“You see, North America is my domain. It always has been, but it’s time I began to expand my reach. That’s why I’ve been building an army, which you’ve been so kind to intercept at every turn,” he continued, his tone a bit aggravated.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” he asked, his blood-red eyes searching mine. His tone angered me. I should have looked away. I should have asked for mercy, but I couldn’t. Instead, I wanted to fight. I wouldn’t give in without at least trying. I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t.

“Fuck. You,” I answered, my voice low and dangerous. I seethed with fury, unnerved by the sudden betrayal of my body and the loss of everything I held dear. No longer would I be able to go home to the Demon Hunters. No longer would I be able to protect the innocent from evil. Instead, I had been taken by the worst of them all.

A vampire that would prove more powerful than I could have ever known.

“Oh, little human... You’re going to regret that,” he answered, his voice lowering treacherously.