His fingers circled my clit, teasing me higher and higher into the world of arousal. I was losing control and far too quickly. A cry of pleasure escaped my throat and I trembled as I waited for what was to happen next.

“Bad girls don’t get to come. Not until they been properly punished,” he said next. Carefully, he removed his fingers from between my thighs and I released a quiet breath of uneasiness. “Look at how wet you’ve made my fingers,” he scolded, and I whimpered, thoroughly humiliated by my body’s obvious betrayal.

He dragged his fingers across the skin of my ass, depositing my wetness on my flesh before he lifted his hand and slapped down hard right on top of it. The loud sound reverberated off the walls, echoing loudly so that anyone passing by would quickly realize that I was getting spanked.

“No! Please!” I screeched.

His palm came down again, this time on the opposite side, and I balked over his lap. Incredible searing pain spread across my ass as he thrashed me. I tried to curl my hips inward to avoid his strikes, but it was pointless. He spanked me thoroughly and completely, making sure to leave no square inch of my bottom unpunished.

It hurt. Fuck. It hurt.

I should have known better than to challenge an ancient vampire, capable of more cruelty and destruction that any other man in history. Because of that, here I was, naked and over his thighs getting the first real spanking of my entire life as a result of my defiance.

He punished the upper curves of my ass, all the way down to the place where my thighs met my bottom cheeks, and even a bit lower. The ones on the backs of my legs hurt the worst and as much as I tried to bite my lip and hold back the cries of pain, I couldn’t. Before long, I was a groaning mess as he punished my poor backside as thoroughly as he saw fit.

My naked flesh burned, quaking under his harsh hand, and something within me cracked. Arousal and pain intermingled with one another, dancing in a fervor that was quickly beginning to leave me panting with need. I struggled to come to terms with those strange feelings, trying to push the awakening of desire away, but nothing I could do could stem the already rising tide.

His palm crashed against my right cheek with a thud, and the reverberations from the blow rattled straight down to my core, where my desire was pulsing at its strongest. Again and again he spanked me, and the feelings of need grew even more intense.

My arousal pulsed, simmering inside me like a fiery blaze until I was sure I was going to burst into flames. Maybe it was his power forcing me to feel such things or maybe it was just how I was. Maybe I liked how rough he was with me and it actually turned me on. At this point, I had no idea anymore and I didn’t really care.

He paused. I saw his hand reach for the belt he’d placed right in front of me and I stilled anxiously.

“Please, sir,” I pleaded. After I spoke, I blinked, shocked that I’d referred to him in such a manner. I bit my lip. I was really losing it. I was going insane and it was all his fault.

He didn’t answer and simply laid the thick black leather against the already sore and achy cheeks of my ass. With his other hand, he pushed my raven black hair off my shoulders. Unexpectedly, he stilled completely.

For a long time, he was silent and he ran his thumb over a spot on the back of my shoulder blade. I knew what he was looking at. It was a mark I’d had since birth. It was a burnt red color and shaped like a crescent moon. I hadn’t known what it meant and no one, not even Logan, had told me anything about it, so I had assumed it wasn’t anything special. Just a simple, oddly shaped birthmark, but somehow, in this moment, it was clear that it meant something far more to Cain.

I could almost feel him staring straight down at it. His thumb traced its crescent shape and an almost silent hiss escaped his lips. The more I felt his scrutiny on my skin, the more insecure I felt about it.

“What is it?” I asked, terribly unsure of myself. Feelings of confusion raced through me. I wanted to cry and at the same time, I also wanted to come.

I shouldn’t be as turned on as I was in that moment. Even now, I could feel my wetness dripping down my folds and onto my inner thighs.

“I had just planned on punishing you for what you’ve done to my demons, but I think there is something else in the cards for you, little hunter,” he finally whispered, and I didn’t move a muscle, fearing what he had in mind.

He tossed the belt back on the bed and loosened his hold on me. Gently, he helped me to stand up in front of him as he sat before me, staring up into my embarrassed and unsure gaze. My bottom burned and my pussy ached, throbbing with an unreleased need more powerful than I had ever known.

Carefully, he unleashed me and freed my throat of his collar. Now I was completely naked before him, every single inch of me bare to his view. He smirked, making a point to drag his eyes up and down my body before he spoke once more.

“Now, little hunter, let’s play a game.”

Chapter Three

I stared into Cain’s blood-red eyes. He appeared excited, as though he had found a prize in me and instantly, I felt suspicious. Narrowing my eyes, I studied him, but his expression gave not even a hint as to what was passing through his mind.

Eventually, he began to speak.

“In the

forest outside my mansion, there’s a hidden amulet. The power contained within it is ancient and is one of the few relics still in existence that can actually weaken my strength and awaken yours. Should you find it, it will set you free,” he explained, and I trembled before him, trying to figure out what his game was.

“Why would you ever let me go?” I asked, confusion flitting across my features. It didn’t seem possible. Maybe he was confident that I’d never find the relic. Perhaps it was all some sort of trick meant to give me false hope. Maybe he was telling the truth.

Arrogant prick. I’d prove him wrong. I’d find that amulet even if he thought I couldn’t.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he just stared at me with a growing smile, like he knew something that I didn’t, and it unsettled me to my core. My nose wrinkled just the slightest bit in anger, and he grinned even wider. His gaze flicked away from mine after that.