Page 35 of Heretic

Right now, all I can do is stare into Luca’s eyes as he says, “I’ll take care of this one. She’s mine.”

Screams replace the drama of it all as every fucking light goes out in the place. I know it can’t be good, and I can hear the scuffle, the guns blazing. How many Clan members will be shot in the dark by accident because of this…because of what I know is a backup plan, one Galina must have had all along.

Fucking paranoid bitch.

The generator kicks in, and I see everyone is shaken up, running out the doors or ducking for cover. Luca still has a strong hold on Ivana, but Galina is gone, the men that had her in a pool of blood on the floor.

The minute I spot Luca leaving, I choose to follow Luca, finding out what the fuck he’s up to with Ivana. Also, if I’m being honest, part of me hopes that I can go home with him.

I don’t exactly want to live with Stefan for the rest of my life, and I don’t know what else to do or where else to go. This is kind of where the alliance ends. Hell, Stefan might put me up for a while, but at some point, I need to work things out with Luca or get a divorce. And then I need to find out what my next move is. I need to know where my life is going to go.

And I have a feeling my best bet is still with Luca, though I will go to Mariana and Ion eventually if I have to.

I follow them out to the SUV they have waiting, and I see that Migual has come to this party with him… interesting.

Maybe Migual’s like his sober coach or something. From a few feet behind, I hear Luca give Migual orders. “As soon as we get back, she needs to be put in theoubliette.”

I feel like a hole has been punched in my chest. I don’t know why considering that cage is so fucking sick and inhumane; I should never want to be in it again.

For the most part, I really don’t. Though, I can see kind of a kink to it. But as far as living in it, though, never fucking again. But as I meet Migual’s eyes, I know that I have shed a tear in front of him. He gives me a sad look before he gets into the car, and Luca doesn’t even seem to notice me.

This hurts the worst of all. To know that I’m being replaced. That someone can just take my place with my husband and in my life. Like I’m just a pod person.

I stand there and watch unable to move.

But as much as this hurts, there’s one thing I know about myself. I know that I’m not going to accept this as the end.

I’m a fucking stubborn bitch. Never have been anything other than that.

I’m the woman who killed a man on her wedding night. I am the woman who endured theoublietteand came out alive. I’m the woman who learned to love Luca Ungur.

I can do anything.