Page 39 of Heretic

Or . . . is she?

Feet hitting the steps indicates someone is rushing down the stairwell, and I turn to find mine and Migual’s eyes meeting at the exact same moment. “Miss Elena, it’s so lovely to have you back.”

I don’t reply, instead just giving a nod in response. It doesn’t feel great to be back. Not yet, and I’m not sure if it will.

“Migual . . . why did you ask me back here?”

He purses his lips together for a moment, before giving me the most ridiculous excuse I’ve ever heard. “I was hoping you could help me dispose of her body and clean up the mess your husband has created.”

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to Migual with my heels hitting the stone floor with anger coursing through my veins. “That’s bullshit. You’ve been cleaning up Luca’s messes for years. Why ask me back when you don’t need my help. Why Migual, and don’t give me a bullshit excuse again.”

Migual’s eyes drift to where Ivana’s lifeless body is, “Do you not see what he was doing? He was trying to turn her into you, Miss Elena. While Luca may not be . . . forthcoming of that fact, I know it, as do you from the looks of it.”

“I take it you can clean up this mess, can’t you?” I seethe, heading toward the stairwell, but I stop. “Where is mydarlinghusband, Migual?”

“I believe he’s upstairs in his bedroom.”

With Migual’s response I head up the two stairwells until I’m right in front of the bedroom I’d slept in that one night, the night before everything in this house changed. Heading through the door, I see the en-suite bathroom door is cracked and steam is coming through it.

I walk into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me, and approach the bathroom, slowly pushing the door open and spot Luca’s perfectly chiseled body underneath the hot water. He takes the sponge across his body, lathering himself up, and I simply stare. Watching the man I want to hate more than anything, but can’t. Fuck, maybe this makes me as crazy as he is.

“What are you doing here?” He asks, jolting me out of my thoughts.

“I heard there was a mess to clean up,” I go into the bathroom, keeping my eyes glued to his, “And I saw the mess, and how she’d changed.”

Luca’s eyes go wide, but quickly adjust. “She was nothing but a toy,”

“I know that. I also know you were trying to turn her into a carbon copy of me.”

Luca remains silent. Obviously, he’s not a fan of being caught.

“You discarded me like I was trash, and then brought her back here, to what? To make her be me? Aren’t you in love with Mariana? Wouldn’t she have been much better turning into the fearless Clans queen. She had the body for it.”

“I’m not in love with Mariana,” He snaps, walking out of the water, he rubs his feet on the small carpet and approaches me with haste. Once he gets directly in front of me, he brings his nose to the side of mine and stares down into my hazel eyes with nothing but outrage. He’s pissed I called him out, that I saw what he was doing. Well, he can be pissed. He can go cry in a fucking corner for all I care.

From the corner of my eye I spot an old fashioned razor blade and before I realize it, I’ve grabbed the weapon and have it pressed to Luca’s throat, slowly pushing it closer against his jugular. “Tell me one reason I shouldn’t end this all right now. Not only for everything you’ve done to me, but all the women before me.”

Luca breathes heavily, so much that I see his nostrils flaring and scoffs. “I don’t have one. You should do it you know, you should push that closer into my neck and end this all. I deserve it, don’t I, brat?”

“Fuck you!” I scream, pulling the razor from his neck I throw it forcefully on the ground and it clinks against the wall, onto the tile floor below us. But, I realize I have nicked his neck and blood is slowly flowing down his skin. It isn’t necessarily a horrible cut, but it’s one that could leave a scar.

Luca wipes his hand over his neck and can see the blood, and what he does surprises me. He fucking smiles. “Oh, how I’ve missed you.” He steps closer, shoving me into the wall and hoists me up around his legs, palming his hands at the chiffon material of my dress and rips it away like it was made of nothing but tissue paper.

His hardness is obvious at the way he’s digging into my leg for but a moment, until he forces me down onto his cock. I thought it would hurt but I didn’t realize just how much seeing his face would turn me on. I know it’s morally wrong for me to care this much about a monster of a man, but I do, and I can’t help it. I think maybe the pain he feels is what I’ve felt my entire life and it brings me comfort. What comforts me is the fact I’m not alone, and someone elseisas fucked up as I am.

I had my arms at my sides, but as my thoughts run through my mind, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. This is the only thing I want, his body on mine, our pain meshing together, no matter how wrong it is.

This is what I want, and I’m only left wondering when it will tear us apart.