Page 13 of Shattered

Chapter 9


Bethany looks like she has seen a ghost, and as she turns to walk away, I know I can’t just let it go. Something is going on, and I am going to get to the bottom of it. So, I grab her wrist as gently as I can but hard enough to hold her back and get her to turn around and face me. "What is it Bethany, what’s wrong?" I ask her, pressing my gaze into hers to try and get her to be forthcoming. I know she has been avoiding me since she heard me on that phone call, and I can’t exactly blame her. I don’t know what details she knows about Anton - if she is aware we are involved with the mafia, and even if she did know, it couldn’t have sounded good to hear me talk about her like she was some baby machine. That’s not what I meant at all but in this world it kind of comes out that way It wasn’t a conversation she was ever supposed to overhear. In fact, no one was supposed to hear it.

"I just want to help," I reassure her, and I can see the moment that she concedes in her stance.

"Well, I told you I have been receiving these gifts. I was sure they were from you, but since they’re not...well, they must be from Noah, my ex. I think the one I got today seals the deal." I can see the stress in her eyes, and I, not for the first time, want to find this motherfucker and bash his head in. I just don’t get men treating women this way, especially ones they decide to commit to. like no one is holding a gun to your head, don’t commit if you can't handle it. Fuck.

"What was it today?" I ask her out of curiosity. Of I am going to stick my neck out and end up going after this shithead at some point, iw want to know that she is certain it’s him.

"It was a pearl necklace." She bites her lip, and I hold back on telling her how damn sexy it is because this could be serious. that last thing she needs right now is to be hit on no matter how I am feeling. "He have me one for our wedding and I have worn it all the time ever since until the night I left him. I ripped it and spilled the pearls all over the bathroom floor once I found out he was cheating. He used it like a way to mark me as his property in front of all those people we were always buttering up to get him in as DA," she explains. I clench one of my fists at my side and hope she doesn’t see how angry it makes me. the last thing I want to do is make her uncomfortable, and I am typically not an angry man, but this takes the cake. I know for a fact she has file for divorce already, and yet he still doesn’t get it. he sis till treating her like cattle.

"You need to get out," I tell her. She cocks her head to the side at me. "We're going somewhere," I announce, not allowing her a chance to tell me no.

"It can’t be a date," she blurts out.

"You just came to me mad at me for possibly showering you with romantic gifts." I rill my eyes at her. "I get that it’s not a date. but you really need to just have a night and let loose. Get dressed up and meet me out here in an hour," I order her with a smirk before walking away. We were going even if I had to carry her over my shoulder.


I go around to her side of the car and help her out, taking her in as she notices we are at Casino Miami. There is nothing more freeing than spending an unlimited amount of cash on gambling and possibly winning or losing, and not even caring.

She looks damn good in a crop top and matching flowy skirt that has a slit damn near all the way up the fucking side to show off her tan legs. And she has on some low black heels, her hair blown out like beach waves, though they are that vibrant deep purple we dyed it a few days ago. She stands out in the best way, and part of me is a little jealous by the fact that as we walk inside she gets eyes from many of the men at the closest tables.

"You brought me to a occasion?" she asks with a scrunched, cute smile on her face.

"Why not? What better place to let go and just have fun?" She nods in agreement. "So, what do you want to do first?"

She smiles mischievously. :truthfully, I want to hit the bar and then maybe some slots."

"Sounds good to me."

She least me lead her to the bar and order for her, opening up a tab so either of us can come up at any time if we get separated, though she doesn’t seem to feel the need to stray from me. That makes me feel good even if we didn’t agree this is not a date.

We both take our drinks over to the slot machines; me a dry martini and her a Manhattan which surprises me, It isn’t the strongest drink, but it’s not some sissy drink either. I do a mock cheers before we both turn to the slots and begin playing, cheering each other on as we both win and lose. We stop once we hit a big high and head for more drinks, this time doing some shots – tequila and jaeger bombs. I don’t know how much she can handle before she is tipsy, but I begin to notice she is at least a little less in her head, which is what I wanted, but I also notice she keeps getting closer to me as the night wears on. I don’t know whether I am concerned about it or I should be through the moon.

By the time the clock strikes midnight, I know that I have had one too many as well. It is a good thing a driver brought us here because neither one of us could be a designated driver. I am still perfectly aware of my choices and surrounding, but I am happy and loose when I am usually so controlled. And I can’t help but to continually touch her skin in any way I can, my fingers trialing up and down her arms every one in a while or skimming across her thigh as it peeks out of her split. But she doesn’t stop me.

“Okay, let’s get out of here,” I tell her finally with a laugh. “Let’s go cash out.”

She nods, though I see a bit of hesitation in her movements. I am so glad she had a good time because she so deserves it.

It doesn’t take us long to get out of there and bac in the SUV that brought us here. That’s the really good part of hanging around Anton is his unlimited resources. Being the owner of so many restaurants affords him not only favors everywhere but lots of vehicles and rives that not all of the Clan leaders can say they have. Not that my crib and car are anything to laugh out, but it is nothing compared to all the things he has stockpiled.

There is a tension between us on the drive back, and I feel like I want so badly to make a move, but I don’t want to go back on what I said about this not being a date. And she is not a one night stand to me and never could be. She is worth more than that, and she is so vulnerable right now.

But as soon as I take her up to the guest house, she invites me in, a nd I have a feeling she has been noticing it too. While I won’t make the first move, I am not going to deny her either if she wants me. I don’t think I have it in me to say no to her about anything. For her, I am weak. And that’s what a good woman should do to a good man.

She pulls me inside, and it is dark, only the over light left on in the kitchen to greet us. She takes advantage of the mood lighting and pulls at my collar, her lips landing on mine.

“Bethany,’ I whisper not her lips as she lets me have a breath.

“I know, I know. I said it wasn’t a date,” she says, and I know she has the capacity to consent even if we both have had a few drinks. She is smiling against my lips, and then I let go, lifting her up as my hand slides over her ass under this sexy skirt she has on, and I love the feel of how round it is. I know she said she had fillers, but I get the feeling she has a pretty cute ass even without them.

My finger slides around and finds her swollen lips, aching for me more than I expected. I slide across the silkiness of her panties, and she moans into my mouth as I carry her over to the bedroom, ready to ravage her.

My mind practically goes blank after she slides her panties off for me and her skirt, leaving the crop top for me to pull off and reveal her supple breasts. As I place my mouth around her left nipple, she arches her back and shot her eyes, sinking into the feeling of my body melding with hers.

She smells so sweet as I trial my nose and tongue back up her collar bone and neck, holding her neck with one hand and caressing her inner though with my other hand. She is lost in a string of murrs, and while I want so badly to make this slow and sensual for her, I growl as my hard on presses into my black designer jeans. It is aching so bad, and I don’t think I will hold back for much longer. Beng tipsy is making my control slip from me, and I am practically tumbling as I finally unzip my jeans and pull them off along with my boxers, chucking them to the ground.

Bethany opens her eyes and sits up, her amber eyes glistening in the darkness as she watches me, slowly taking my shirt off, kissing my chest after each button come undone.

Fuck. I could cum must from this. How could a man ever let her go or need to go somewhere else when she was around?

I spread her knees on and sue my hand on her chest to push her back down on the bed as I place myself over her, my tip hanging just above her dripping wet center. The look on her face is a pleading pout, and I won’t hold back anymore.

I slam into her, and she screams out so loud I almost wonder if they will be able to hear her in the main house. I slide back out and slam in again, taking her deep whether she is ready or not, but she doesn’t seem to mind as she reaches out to claw at my shoulders with her nails, surely leaving marks for me to remember her by. Not that I could ever forget.

Her pussy fights me for every once as I take her, squeezing me so tight she chokes me out too son, but I just keep going, unable to soften because she is my every dream and nightmare all rolled into one.