Page 19 of Shattered

Chapter 13


Four weeks is how long I have been away from Miami, though I feel like I have made progress at getting back into Bathenay's good graces. I can’t believe she actually mentioned having a date. I guess this time was all she needed to figure herself out and just feel good and confident in her life before she added someone else into the equation. Though, I am still being careful. I don’t want to scare her so that we take two steps back again. And I know that realistically the way you from a relationship is one step at a time, no9t jumping into things because she is the first woman to make you feel anything real in a long time and because you really need to have babies and please the people who practically run your life.

Well, not my life, but a lot of aspects they have a say in, and that is unfortunately one of them.

I have been getting regular repiots from the Moretti’s about Noah and his whereabouts. Most of them have been mundane, and par to me is almost begging for him to give me a reason to go after him because I don’t think he is done with his tactics with Bethany. I think he is going to rear his ugly head again inse way and that it’s only a matter f time.

The worst part is I do know he still has not divorced her. he has been served the papers, which I confirmed with mu sources, but he hasn’t even made an effort in the process. he hasn’t tried to negotiate anything or even see a lawyer. he just has the papers sitting there as if they don’t exist. As if he is going to miraculously win her back, even though I also have the proof that he sis till seeing two other women.

My phone rings, and I see that, speak of the devil, it is Sal. I pick it up, expecting to hear more bullshit.

"Hey, Sal, another ordinary day today?" I ask him, but I can instantly tell that something is up.

"I'm afraid not, Leon. It looks like he is making move like you’ve been worried about for a while."

"What the fuck do you mean, Sal?" I ask him, sitting up in my seat. I instantly pull up my laptop so that I can look into flights if necessary because ai get the feeling shit is about to hit the fan. though, I don’t know how anyone is going to take it if I just leave like this. I was supposed to hang around two more weeks and finish the stuff I am working on now, but I may not have a choice. I will always choose her safety over my work and even the Clans if it comes down to it at any point.

I haven’t thought about that enforce, but I know in my heart I truly mean that. She has shifted my whole world in such a short time.

"he has been spotted at the airport buying plane ticket for Miami. I think he is coming for her again."

"Fuck!" I throw papers on the ground inf frustration. What am I supposed to do? I am in a different country, and there is a good fucking chance he would get to her before I ever could not mate how quickly I can get out of her. This is about the worst time for him to show up on her doorstep, and I don’t know what he might be thinking fi doing. I don’t trust him not to try it hurt her again and force her into submission. Not only could I not stand the idea of her being hurt, but it would derail all the work she has done on herself. I can’t allow it to happen.

"okay, thanks. Keep those eyes on him, and I am going to make some calls and see what I can do about this situation."

"Will do."

I hang up, and a string of curses leave my mouth before I immediately call Anton. he is the first line of defense now, and home knowing is way more important than a flight out right now since he can get to her and save her much easier than me either way. I still have things to set up so I can go and a flight to find. Too much can go wrong in that time.

"Long time no see!" Anton says into the receiver in a playful voice, but I am not int he mood to play.

"bad news, man," I tell him. My heart is racing as I panic. I don’t think I have ever felt this way about potentially having someone I care botu hurt, and I don’t even know how to process all fp it. "Bethany’s ex is getting on a flight to Miami, and I am stuck here until I can wrap up and get a flight out. You need to get a detail on her 24-7 right now. I don’t trust the fucker."

"Woah, woah, are you serious? how do you know/"

If I were there, I would be slapping him on the back of his head for the dumb question. "The Moretti’s have been watching him and just called me. he I at the airport right now in Philly."

"Shit. okay. I will get a d detail on her and make sure that I am home as much as I can be. I'll also warn Natasha."

"please don’t tell Bethany. I don’t want her to panic, or to know that I have been having him watched."

I understand." I knew he would. Anton would easily do the same thing for Natasha any day.

"Oh, and, Anton, if you don’t protect her, I'll break your kneecaps."

"Got it."

I hang up and immediately start setting my afraid sin order to leave, setting up the security at my place and seeing if I can get some my sines associates to help me finish the projects I am working on. I hate leaving it up to them at this stage because this is when it gets technical. Being an architectural designer is tricky sometimes, but maybe I can work a little from Miami once I see to it that Bethany is safe and sound and that Noah finally gets the memo that it is way fuckling over.

In the middle of my long day preparing to leave Romania again, I get the best text I possibly could from Anton.

Friend of mine is good with etch. Turns out the Philly airport's network has been infiltrated, shutting the whole grid down. Delays across the board. Gives you more time.

Thanks, man. I have the first flight out tomorrow I can get with a transfer in Paris. Please, take care of her.